
horse にちなんだ表現 [英語のトリビア]

「黙示録」に出てくる horsemen にちなんだ表現について先日書いたが、ついでに horse をあらためて辞書で引いてみると、いろいろな熟語が載っている。それを書き並べても意味がないので、この単語が使われていて、個人的に面白いと思う言葉をいくつかメモしてみたい。

- You can lead [take] a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.



- Don't change horses in midstream.

何かをやっている途中で方針や人やモノを代えるのはまずい、という意味で、in midstream はなくてもいいようだ。

ことわざかと思っていたが、今回あらためて調べたらリンカン大統領の演説の一節 "an old Dutch farmer, who remarked to a companion once that it was not best to swap horses when crossing streams" に由来するとしているものもあった。どちらが正しいのだろうか。

馬は歯を見ると年齢がわかるという。本当かと思ったがその通りらしい。the horse's mouth という表現があり、a source of information regarded as original or unimpeachable という意味である。次はオンラインの語源辞典から。

- The horse's mouth as a source of reliable information is from 1928, perhaps from the fact that a horse's age can be determined accurately by looking at its teeth.

right [straight] from the horse's mouth といえば、「当人から(間違いない筋から)教えられた」ということになる。


- Don't [Never] look a gift horse in the mouth.


- if someone tells you not to look a gift horse in the mouth, they mean that you should not criticize or feel doubt about something good that has been offered to you.
Okay, it's not the job of your dreams but it pays good money. I'd be inclined not to look a gift horse in the mouth if I were you.

- to criticize or refuse to take something that has been offered to you.
I know the car's not in great condition, but you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Usage notes: usually follows never or not, as in the example
Etymology: based on the idea that you can discover a lot about a horse's condition by looking at its teeth

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