
「おたく」と otaku [和英表現]

「おたく」を表す trainspotter と anorak について前回書いたが、日本の参議院選挙を報じる記事を読んでいたら、偶然にも otaku に出くわした。そこで、anorak について続きを書く前に、英語に入りつつあるこの otaku について調べてみよう。


"The battle starts from here," Abe told a crowd in Tokyo's Akihabara electronics shopping district, a mecca for "otaku" geeks who adore manga comics and anime. ( )


"The battle starts from here," Abe told a crowd in Tokyo's Akihabara district, packed with stores selling the latest electronics goods and beloved by the "otaku" geeks who buy them. ( )

otaku を収録している辞書はまだ多くはなさそうだが、それでも次のようなものがあった。

- young people who are highly skilled in or obsessed with computer technology to the detriment of their social skills
(origin Japanese, literally 'your house', alluding to the reluctance of such young people to leave the house)
(Oxford Dictionary of English)

- young Japanese obsessed with computers: young Japanese who spend all their available time using computers or learning about computer technology and so do not develop social skills ( disapproving ) [Late 20th century. < Japanese, "your house," because such people prefer not to leave their houses]
(Encarta World English Dictionary)

- an avid collector or enthusiast, esp. one who is obsessed anime, video games, or computer and rarely leaves home
Etymology: Japanese 'house'
Usage: derogatory slang
(Webster's New Millennium Dictionary of English)


この点を含めて、Wikipedia のこの項は、日本人も記述作成に加わっているようで、より詳しい。例えば、

- Otaku is derived from an honorific Japanese term for another's house or family (お宅, 御宅 otaku) that is also used as an honorific second-person pronoun (中略)... this form of address was unusually common among geeks and nerds. It was apparently a reference to someone who communicates with their equals using (unnecessarily) the distant and formal pronoun, and spends most of their time at home.

- In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku refers to an overtly obsessive fan of any one particular theme, topic, or hobby.

- In English, it is used to refer specifically to a fan of anime and/or manga, though it can sometimes refer to any kind of "geek". It also is used to refer to people who appear to be obsessed with Japan and its culture
また、「おたく」に相当する geek nerd, anorak との違いに触れた部分もあって、面白い。そのまま引用すると長大になるので抜書きだけにするが、興味を持たれた方は全文を読んでいただければ、と思う。個人的な見方を感じさせるものでもあり、どれくらい的を射ているかは私にはわからない。ただ geek と nerd では、geek がより社交的でプラスイメージがあり、nerd は内にこもるタイプを指すらしいことが、いろいろなサイトを見るとわかる。

- Otaku has a significantly greater negative connotation than geek does in the West, especially as the term geek has become less derogatory.

- Otaku is closer in connotation to the English nerd, but the closest English-language analogue to otaku is probably the British English term anorak. Both of these English-language terms have more emphatically negative connotations of poor social skills and obsessive interest in a topic that seems strange or boring to others.
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