
「職を賭す」~安倍首相にちなむ英語表現 [和英表現]


- Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday he was ready to resign if parliament fails to extend Japan's refueling mission in the Indian Ocean in support of U.S.-led anti-terrorism operations in Afghanistan.

- "Of course, I have no intention of staying in my job," Abe told reporters here when asked whether he was ready to resign if his coalition was unable to extend the mandate.

- Until this week, Mr. Abe had sworn just as firmly that he would rather quit than lose on this issue.

- As recently as last weekend, Abe had said that he would do everything in his power to extend the anti-terrorism law that authorizes the floating gas station, which has pumped more than 127 million gallons of fuel, free of charge, most of it into U.S. warships.

- "I would not cling to my job as prime minister," Abe told a news conference, when asked what would happen if the vote fails.

- Mr Abe, speaking at a press conference in Sydney at the close of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit, said he had “no intention of sticking to my duties” if the law could not be extended.

- He had said he would put his job on the line to get the terrorism law through parliament.

- So he was acting entirely in form when he announced, at the end of an Asia-Pacific summit meeting in Australia earlier this week, that he was staking his premiership on the success of his efforts to push through an extension of the special law allowing the Indian Ocean refueling operations.

- At the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Sydney on Sept. 9, Abe told reporters that he was wagering his job on his ability to pass controversial legislation that would renew Japanese naval support for U.S. and coalition forces operating in Afghanistan.

- Shinzo Abe, Japan’s struggling prime minister, on Sunday gambled his premiership on the extension of a special anti-terrorism law, saying he would quit if parliament refused to renew it.

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こんにちは。 He had said he would put his job on the line to get the terrorism law through parliament.を見て思ったのは、セオリーどおり時制の一致でsaid + wouldにするとずいぶん弱くなるということです。 He said he is putting his job on the line. のほうが臨場感が伝わってくるのに、もったいないことです。
by 日向清人 (2007-09-20 12:46) 


日向清人 さん、コメントありがとうございました。時制の一致とはちょっと違いますが、事実関係を提示する英字新聞の一般記事では、進行形はそれほど見ないような印象がなんとなくあります。やはりセオリー通りのかたいスタイルが好まれるのでしょうか。また would, could, might などの選択で異なるニュアンスを出しうることから、助動詞を使った文がひとつのパターンになっているのかなとも思いました。もちろん場合によるでしょうし、素人のまったくの印象と考えですので、日向先生のお考えをいただけたらうれしいです。
by 子守男 (2007-09-21 02:15) 




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