
福田総理についての英語 [ニュースと英語]



- Yasuo Fukuda, a seasoned moderate lawmaker,...

- "I prefer Fukuda, who is cool-headed."

- Fukuda doesn't seem bothered by criticism of his laid-back style...

- The typically bland but sometimes testy Fukuda...

- Fukuda, a dour presence who sports gray suits and listens to classical music,....

- Mr Fukuda, a soft-spoken 71-year-old who beat the more nationalist Taro Aso in Sunday’s contest,...

- Yasuo Fukuda, a quiet compromiser who has promised to bring stability and moderation to Japan's tumultuous political scene,...

- Mr Fukuda, 71, a consensus-seeking moderate,...

- Yasuo Fukuda, a mild-mannered political moderate known for his ability to build consensus behind the scenes,...

- Fukuda, the long-serving speaker of Junichiro Koizumi's colorful cabinet and a skilled consensus builder,...

- This past week, Mr Fukuda, often a master of the obfuscatory utterance,...

- "This is a cabinet with its back to the wall." (「背水の陣内閣」)

- Even Fukuda himself seemed to recognize that he was parachuting into a caretaker role.

- Though known to have an occasionally vicious temper, Mr Fukuda’s manner for the most part is grey and conciliatory.

- He's a bit bland and even self-deprecating -- hardly what you'd expect of a leader in the modern media-driven age.

- But fans of 71-year-old Yasuo Fukuda say his air of normality may be what the country needs...

- While Aso can work a crowd and is popular among some youth who share his love of "manga" comics, Fukuda -- who describes his personality as normal -- is less of a crowd pleaser.

- ...he already has faced allegations that he is a throwback to the closed-door dealings of the past.

- Fukuda's selection, with the backing of the party's factions, has raised fears of backpedaling on efforts to rein in Japan's huge public debt as a struggling LDP,...

- Clever and even cutting in person, Fukuda was always happy to give candid assessments of his LDP rivals, albeit off the record. However, the Diet veteran has zero charisma on the campaign trail.

- The 71-year-old, who studied backroom politics at the knee of his prime minister father, cast himself as the steady hand Japan needs after the scandal-scarred one-year term of his youthful predecessor Shinzo Abe, who abruptly resigned two weeks ago.

- Supporters say Fukuda combines political savvy and maturity with careful attention to down-to-earth issues such as employment, pension reforms and a fairer distribution of income...

- Under the maverick Mr Koizumi the LDP’s once all-important factional lines began to break down, and Mr Fukuda’s carefully calibrated appointments could reinforce the view that the party is headed back to its old ways.



さよなら小泉さん (lionを含む表現いろいろ)

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こんにちは。seasoned は「ベテランの」という意味があるのですね。ニュース英語には よく出てくる語彙なのでしょうか。もっと勉強しないとダメだと感じました! いつも ためになる記事をありがとうございます。
by mamarimama (2007-10-03 09:12) 


mamarimamaさん、参考になったのでしたら私としてもうれしいです。私は seasoned を何かの映画に出てきたので覚えました。特にニュースに多いということもないと思います。season, seasoned は調べてみればといろいろ面白そうな単語のような気もしますので、いつか取り上げるかもしれません。
by 子守男 (2007-10-04 00:28) 




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