
「はまり役」で型にはめられた俳優たち (typecast) [映画・ドラマと英語]

映画「バットマン ビギンズ」が先日テレビで放送された。以前、reboot という単語について書いた際、「007 カジノ・ロワイヤル」とならんで、それにあてはまる例としてあげた作品だ。これにちなんで、こうした「ヒーローものシリーズ」に関係する単語をもうひとつあげることにする。typecast がそれである。

過去形・過去分詞も typecast で、-casted とはならないのは動詞 cast と同じだ。英英辞典の定義を見ると、

- cast actor suitably: to give an actor a part that suits his or her physical or emotional type

- cast (a performer) in a role that requires characteristics of physique, manner, personality, etc., similar to those possessed by the performer


- cast somebody repeatedly in similar roles: to give an actor a series of parts of the same type, to the extent that the performer becomes associated with that kind of role and is overlooked for others

- cast (a performer) repeatedly in a kind of role closely patterned after that of the actor's previous successes.

- to stereotype: He realizes now he's been typecast as an executive errand boy.



Daniel Craig only accepted the role of suave superspy James Bond after Steven Spielberg reassured him he wouldn't be typecast by the part. Spielberg directed the British actor when he played a mercenary intelligence agent in terrorism drama Munich last year.


JAMES BOND fans needn't expect DANIEL CRAIG to play 007 for long - the Brit doesn't want to get typecast as the suave superspy.

007が属するMI6にはマネペニーという秘書がいるが、映画で長らくこの役を演じた Lois Maxwell は先月亡くなった。共演した007のロジャー・ムーアが、こんなことを言っている。

As Moore told the BBC on Sunday: "I'm afraid she got sort of typecast as Miss Moneypenny. That's what producers do, unfortunately; they put people in categories, they don't seem to move people out of them."

映画「カジノ・ロワイヤル」にマネペニーは出てこないが、ボンドが money と penny という単語を続けて使うセリフがあった。やはりこのキャラクターにひっかけた意図的なものだろう。

さらに typecast の例として頭に浮かぶのは、やはり「スーパーマン」や「バットマン」といったスーパーヒーローものだろうか。演じた俳優は知名度が上がる一方、イメージの固定化というリスクを負い、そこからの脱却に苦労する。

私は子供の頃、テレビドラマの「バットマン」を見るのを楽しみにしていたが、主役を演じた Adam West とレギュラー共演者にも、typecast の運命が待っていた。

- After Batman ended, Adam found it difficult to avoid being typecast as Batman.

- After his high profile role in Batman, West, Burt Ward and Yvonne Craig were badly typecast in their roles.

- (Adam West,) who's unfortunately stuck forever in a typecast role because people remember him as a childhood hero

- Question: How did typecasting affect your career after Batman ended? Adam West: It was pretty rough. You can't run around in a costume that many hours a day -- we did 120 shows -- and have that kind of success and not be typecast. It took me maybe five years to get away from it, doing other things, anything I could, regional theater, whatever.


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by たんご屋 (2007-10-07 22:56) 


by 子守男 (2007-10-08 00:44) 




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