
「ブートキャンプ」と「鬼軍曹」 [単語・表現]

このところ書いてきた camp という単語で連想する最近のヒットといえば、やはり「ビリーズブートキャンプ」だろうか。続くはずがないからやめておけ、と意見しているにもかかわらず、私の妻も欲しい欲しいと言っているくらいだ。これで boot camp という語を覚えた人もいるだろうから、別のご利益もあるというべきか。ということで、camp から離れて boot にまつわる表現を調べることにした。

まずはその boot camp である。

- indoctrination, physical fitness training and basic instruction in service-related subjects for recruits in the Navy and Marine Corps.

- a short, intensive, quasi-military program generally aimed at young offenders as an alternative to a jail term.

- any short, intensive course of training.
We will institute a boot camp for training the sales force in these new products.


Wikipedia には、

In the United States, recruit training in the Army is called Basic Training, in the Air Force it is called Basic Military Training or "BMT", and in the Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Navy it is called boot camp.
( )

とあるので、アメリカ軍の全軍が boot camp の名称を使っているわけではなさそうだ。Army boot camp という言い方もネットで見つかったが、俗称というべきなのだろう。陸軍の訓練はさらに Basic Combat Training (BCT) と Advanced Individual Training (AIT) に細分されるという。

ちなみにビリー隊長のごとく、boot camp で新兵たちをしごく教官が drill sergeant だ。老婆心ながら、ser- の部分の母音は綴りから受ける印象とは異なり、口を大きめに開けて発する方の音である。

次の実例のうち、一つ目は で見つけた Billy's Bootcamp へのコメント。また二つ目は Wikipedia の項目 drill instructor にあったもので、米軍で drill sergeant という呼称を使っているのは陸軍だけらしい。

- The heart-elevating music, the testimonials, and Billy's drill sergeant style all persuade us to buy.

- U.S. Marine Corps Drill Instructors are never to be referred to as 'Drill Sergeants,' which is strictly an Army term. The only acceptable address of a drill instructor by a recruit is "Sir" or "Ma'am."


- Enthusiasm and attitude are the basis for teaching a high-energy class.
This doesn't mean yelling loudly or "barking" orders like a drill sergeant.

- His language and manner make him sound like a drill sergeant.

- Teaching about something real and important is more effective in creating an orderly, disciplined classroom environment than acting like a drill sergeant.

ところで「海軍・海兵隊の新兵」という意味での boot の由来を調べてみたら、

- Boot camp is attested from 1944 but supposedly is from the Spanish-American War, in reference to boots, leggings worn by U.S. sailors, with sense transferred to "recruit."
(Online Etymology Dictionary)

- New recruits to the Navy or Marines have been known as "boots" since World War I. One theory is that the term dates back to the 1890's, when sailors were required to swab the decks of ships barefoot. Some recruits rebelled and donned rubber boots, thereafter being known as "rubber boot sailors," or "boots" for short.
(swab: モップで掃除する)
(The Word Detective )


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