
「一枚上手」の one-upmanship [数にちなむ表現]

このところ、zillion など「数にちなんだ単語」を取り上げてきたので、その流れで、今回は one-upmanship という単語について書いてみよう。

最近では、ちょっと前に読んだ "Big Bang" (Simon Singh 著)というノンフィクションでお目にかかった。

Hale sought funding for his new telescope and observatory from Charles Tyson Yarkes, a transport tycoon who had made his money building Chicago's elevated tail transit system, (中略) Hale also exploited Yerkes' penchant for one-upmanship by pointing out that the wealthy land investor James Lick had funded the California Lick Observatory.

George Ellery Hale という天文学者が、のちに「ヤーキス天文台」と呼ばれることになる新しい天文台を造るための金策を描いた部分である。ちなみに彼の名前は、さらに後年造られた「パロマー山天文台」 Palomar Observatory の、口径5メートルを誇る「ヘール望遠鏡」に遺されている。


- (informal) the technique of gaining an advantage or feeling of superiority over someone else

- (humorous) the art of gaining psychological, social or professional advantages over other people

- the art or practice of achieving, demonstrating, or assuming superiority in one's rivalry with a friend or opponent by obtaining privilege, status, status symbols, etc.


- the one-upmanship of getting into the president's car pool
- engaged in a round of verbal one-upmanship
- There is a great deal of one-upmanship among children anxious to wear the most fashionable clothes.

one-up という動詞もある。「~より優位である」「一歩先を行く」などと訳されている。

- gain advantage over somebody: to gain an advantage over a rival or opponent (informal) "Looks like I've been one-upped again."

- to outdo, to do something slightly better than a competitor did last time
"Every year the neighbors try to one-up each other with their holiday light displays."

- to surpass (someone) in order not to be bettered or lose face


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