「悪魔化する」って何だ? (demonize) [注意したい単語・意外な意味]
devil にちなんだ表現を書いてきた流れで、「悪魔」がらみの別の単語を取り上げよう。以前、ある翻訳を読んでいたら「悪魔化する」という言葉が出てきた。
別に宗教やオカルトの本ではない。原文が透けて見えるような訳を見るとこちらの方が悲しくなってしまうが、ためしに手持ちの辞書で demonize を引いたら、似たような訳語ばかり書かれていて、ちょっと意外だった。
ところで demon という名詞は、マイナスのイメージだけとは限らないのがおもしろい。次のような意味もあるのだ。日本語の「仕事の鬼」と同じような発想であろうか。
別に宗教やオカルトの本ではない。原文が透けて見えるような訳を見るとこちらの方が悲しくなってしまうが、ためしに手持ちの辞書で demonize を引いたら、似たような訳語ばかり書かれていて、ちょっと意外だった。
- Along with butter, coconut oil has been unfairly demonized over the last few decades by the establishment community as being bad for one's heart.
- It was unfortunate that Sharon, whom tout le monde demonized as a warmonger, was elected prime minister.
(注 tout le monde: the whole world, everyone)
- Instead of this public debate, much is made of the citizen-reporters who posted snapshots online that they took from their phones. Some people have even demonized mobiles as a potential detonation device (which, sadly, is indeed a reality in rare instances).
- How did the impulse to demonize the enemy in Moscow paralyze American strategic and political thinking? This psychological imprisonment was so complete that the demonizing mindset carried over into the new century, when dreaded "communism" was replaced by "terrorism."
- Finally, let's acknowledge that the United Nations, that most demonized and paralyzed of international agencies, can actually work at times.
- to try to make (someone or a group of people) seem as if they are completely evil
The mayor demonizes anyone who disagrees with him.
- cause to appear evil to others: to cause somebody or something to appear evil or threatening in the eyes of others
- portray as wicked and threatening
ところで demon という名詞は、マイナスのイメージだけとは限らないのがおもしろい。次のような意味もあるのだ。日本語の「仕事の鬼」と同じような発想であろうか。
- someone extremely diligent or skillful
Example: He worked like a demon to finish the job on time
- one who is extremely zealous, skillful, or diligent:
worked away like a demon; a real demon at math
- a person with great energy, drive, etc.:
He's a demon for work.
- (often humorous) an evil or destructive person or thing. (before another noun) forceful or skilful: a demon cook.
にほんブログ村← 参加中です
今朝のCNNニューズの中で米中貿易戦争に関するFBIコメントは以下の通り。I'm not trying to demonize any people, but emphasized the reach of the Communist Party and its control of all aspects of Chinese life. 中国人を「悪魔扱い」するつもりは毛頭なく共産党の方針を非難するもの。
by 中津全人 (2018-12-13 09:17)
by tempus fugit (2018-12-13 21:17)