
辞書に載っていない franchise 「(映画などの)シリーズ」 [注意したい単語・意外な意味]

このところ007についての英文を取り上げているが、この手の記事で franchise という単語を目にすることがある。日本語にもなっている「フランチャイズ」だが、こうした例では、「シリーズ」という意味で使っているらしいことが文脈からわかる。


- Box Office Report: 'Skyfall' Sets James Bond Franchise Record
WINNER OF THE WEEK: Bond, James Bond. Skyfall lived up to its hype, setting a record for the 50-year-old franchise with a debut estimated at $87.8 million.
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- The franchise has occasionally needed new blood to keep it fresh, and there have been six Bonds so far
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- Besides the upcoming Quantum of Solace, there are 21 other Bond movies in the franchise's 46 year history to choose from.
(;start=21 )

- After returning for Diamonds Are Forever, Sean Connery once again left the franchise to seek other opportunities.

- While Dalton possessed a presence and a temper, the charisma was lacking and Brosnan entered the franchise with a seemingly more complete package.
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- While remaining enthusiastic about continuing the Bond franchise, eventually he (Pierce Brosnan) was released by Eon Productions to make way for a younger Bond face, Daniel Craig.


- Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise consisting of a film series created by George Lucas.
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- The similar but distinctive series that make up this franchise - CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, CSI: Miami and CSI: NY - are syndicated in 200 countries to a global audience of two billion
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- It's hard to describe how much this series -- which, with later prequels, sequels, and with the expansion of the Foundation universe to include Asimov's Robot stories and other novels, has practically become a franchise -- influenced the way we see science fiction.
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series と並べて使っている例を見ると、franchise はさらに上位に位置づけられる全体的な枠組みを指すようだが、日本語ではとりあえず「シリーズ」と訳しても大きな問題はなさそうに感じられる。

改めて英和辞典で franchise をひくと、「特定の会社などに与えられる特権、免許」「特定地区での専売権」「参政権,選挙権」「野球の本拠地占有権,球団所有権」といった難しい言葉が並んでいる。



- The loose collection of fictional works pertaining to a particular universe, including literary, film or television series from various sources.
the Star Wars franchise

- an entire series of the film: the original and all its subsequent sequels thereafter (ie, James Bond/007 films, Star Wars movies, Rocky series, etc.)
(Urban Dictionary)

なお Wikipedia には、おもしろい説明があった。

- Recently, some parts of the film industry have erroneously begun to use the word "franchise" as a synonym for a film series. However, unless the owners of the copyright to a film series also have trademarked the names of characters and other elements in the films, and are licensing the use of these to others, a film series is not a franchise, as the act of such licensing is what constitutes franchising.
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法務は詳しくないので厳密なことはわからないが、著作権の所有者がキャラクター等を商標登録あるいは使用認可していない場合は、series を franchise と呼ぶことはできない、ということらしい。

ついでだが、野球などに使う franchise については、前述のように「本拠地での独占的興行権」といった訳語が載っているが、「プロのチーム」、また「チームの人気を左右する主力選手」の意味もある。こちらはかなりの辞書が収録していた。オンライン辞書の定義をいくつか。

- a : the right of membership in a professional sports league
b : a team and its operating organization having such membership
(Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)

- A professional sports team.
(American Heritage Dictionary)

- Sports Slang. a player of great talent or popular appeal, considered vitally important to a team's success or future

チェーン店やその契約にも使われるように、日常的に見聞きする「フランチャイズ」だが、改めて辞書を読むと一筋縄ではいかない単語との印象を抱かされる franchise であった。

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