
soliloquy 「独白」「ひとりごと」と monologue との違い [単語・表現]

先日取り上げたフレドリック・ブラウンのSF短編「星ねずみ」から単語をもうひとつ。「ひとりごとを言う」は talk [speak] to oneself などが簡単だが、固く聞こえる一語に soliloquize、名詞で soliloquy という単語がある。

confirmed bachelor について書いた際に引用した部分の続きにあり、重複を含めて書き写してみよう。登場人物の独身の科学者は、自分の部屋に住みついているネズミを見つけて Mitkey と名付ける。

- The Herr Professor, of course, had his mild eccentricities. A confirmed bachelor, he had no one to talk to except himself, but he considered himself an excellent conversationalist and held constant verbal communion with himself while he worked. That fact, it turned out later, was important, because Mitkey had excellent ears and heard those night-long soliloquies.
(Fredric Brown: The Star Mouse)

- The Herr Professor found himself very lonely. After having had Mitkey to talk to, soliloquies were somehow empty and inadequate.

この小説では、科学者の話し言葉は綴りをわざと崩して表記されていて、ドイツなまりがあることを表している。ミッキーマウス Mickey Mouse にちなんで名づけた同居のネズミが Mitkey と綴られているのもこのためだ。

なお Herr は Mister にあたるドイツ語で、英語を読んでいて Herr Professor とか Herr Doctor (Doktor) という呼び方が出てきたら、その人物はドイツの学者先生であることがわかる。

それはともかく、soliloquy を英和辞典でひくと、「ひとりごと」の他に「(劇の)独白」とある。むしろこちらの意味の方が使われる頻度が高いのではないかと想像する。


- 1 a. A dramatic or literary form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or herself or reveals his or her thoughts without addressing a listener.
b. A specific speech or piece of writing in this form of discourse.
2. The act of speaking to oneself.
(American Heritage Dictionary)

- 1. an utterance or discourse by a person who is talking to himself or herself or is disregardful of or oblivious to any hearers present (often used as a device in drama to disclose a character's innermost thoughts): Hamlet's soliloquy begins with “To be or not to be.”
2. the act of talking while or as if alone.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)

おもしろかったのは、類義語 monologue と間違って使われる傾向にある、という「コリンズ」の説明だった。いうまでもないが、soli- も mono- も「ただひとつの」を表す言葉である。

- pl -quies
1. the act of speaking alone or to oneself, esp as a theatrical device
2. a speech in a play that is spoken in soliloquy: Hamlet's first soliloquy
usage Soliloquy is sometimes wrongly used where monologue is meant. Both words refer to a long speech by one person, but a monologue can be addressed to other people, whereas in a soliloquy the speaker is always talking to himself or herself
(Collins English Dictionary)

これによると、soliloquy はまさに自分自身に言う「ひとりごと」で、monologue は相手がいて自分だけがしゃべる場合にも使えるということになる。

ということで monologue を辞書で見ると、確かに「独白」のほかに、「長談義」「会話の独占」「長広舌」といった訳語がある。

- 1. a speech made by someone who talks for a long time and does not let anyone else say anything
He kept up a steady monologue during the whole trip.
2. a long speech made as entertainment, or made by a character in a play or movie
(Macmillan Dictionary)

- 1.a long speech made by one actor in a play, film, etc, esp when alone
2.a dramatic piece for a single performer
3.any long speech by one person, esp when interfering with conversation
(Collins English Dictionary)

From These Ashes: The Complete Short Sf of Fredric Brown

From These Ashes: The Complete Short Sf of Fredric Brown

  • 作者: Fredric Brown
  • 出版社/メーカー: Nesfa Pr
  • 発売日: 2001/02/01
  • メディア: ハードカバー

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