
wand 「バーコードリーダー」「レーザーポインター」「マスカラ用ブラシ」 [単語・表現]

前回取り上げた wand は「杖(つえ)」のほか、「しなやかな枝」「指揮棒」、また「手持ち型バーコード読み取り装置」「ペン型スキャナー」など、さまざまな意味がある。

このうち、「バーコード読み取り器」は、以下の例文のように wand だけ、あるいは bar code wand, bar code scanning wand, pen wand bar code scanner など、いろいろな言い方がネットで見つかる。「ワンド」として日本語にもなりつつあるようだ。

- The cashier used a wand to scan the bar code.
(Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)

- He waves the computer wand over the special barcode.
(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)


- pull out a laser wand and point at the screen on the wall
(Compact Oxford English Dictionary)


- She applied the mascara with a wand.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)

辞書では見当たらなかったが、security wand metal detector (あるいは単に security wand)は、空港や競技場といった大勢の人が集まる場所などで使われる棒状の金属探知スキャナーのこと。ちなみに丸い輪っかのついたタイプは loop metal detector というようだ。以下は通販のサイトより。

- This security wand is a very sensitive portable hand held metal detector for use in venues such as airports, stadiums, nightclubs, warehouses or schools when searching for weapons or other metal objects concealed about the person, or in baggage & parcels etc.

- When you need to protect a large crowd, the Guardian Handheld Security Wand Metal Detector from Bounty Hunter is the line of defense you need.

最後に、wand の説明をオンライン辞書より引用しよう。"any of various rod-shaped usually hand-held devices, attachments, etc." ということだから、なるほど幅広く使われるわけである。

- 1.a slender, supple switch or shoot, as of a young tree
2.a rod or staff carried as a symbol of authority; scepter
3.a rod regarded as having magical powers, as one used by a magician or fairy
4.any of various rod-shaped usually hand-held devices, attachments, etc.; specif., applicator for cosmetics electronic sensor for reading bar codes
(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

- (1-3, 5 省略)
4. a small applicator for cosmetics, usually having a brush at the tip:
6. Also called wand reader. an electronic device, in the form of a hand-held rod, that can optically read coded data, as on a merchandise label or tag or the page of a book.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)

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