hokum 「ナンセンス」「受けを狙った言動」 [単語・表現]
前回取り上げた bunkum では、辞書に hokum という関連語が載っていたと書いたが、手製の英語学習ファイルを検索したら、過去にこの単語をメモしていたことがわかった。自分の記憶力のなさを痛感する。
- "...At least twenty of the outermost prefects of the Galaxy, the entire Periphery as a matter of fact, have begun steering things their own way. I tell you I feel damned uncertain of the Empire and its ability to protect us."
"Hokum! Royal Governors, Kings -- what's the difference?"
(Isaac Asimov: Foundation)
Wordnik というサイトが収録している実例では、
- “The ending is amazingly touching without falling into hokum, a rare feat in most Hollywood films.”
- “More important, musicians like Georgia Tom and Tampa Red showed him how to write and sing hokum, a jokey, sexy type of blues guaranteed to make the dancers shimmy.”
- a device used (as by showmen) to evoke a desired audience response
(Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)
- A stock technique for eliciting a desired response from an audience.
(American Heritage Dictionary)
- obvious or hackneyed material of a sentimental nature in a play, film, etc
(Collins English Dictionary)
- trite or mawkish sentiment, crude humor, etc. used to get a quick emotional response from an audience
(Webster's New World College Dictionary)
一方で Wordnik には、政治家などの言動について hokum を使っている例も載っていた。辞書の中には、
- Meaningless nonsense with an outward appearance of being impressive and legitimate.
- false or irrelevant material introduced into a speech, essay, etc., in order to arouse interest, excitement, or amusement.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)
前回も書いたように、この単語は、hocus-pocus と bunkum を掛けあわせたものと考えられているが、hocus-pocus についても後日書いたみたい。
Foundation (The Foundation Series)
- 作者: Isaac Asimov
- 出版社/メーカー: Collins
- 発売日: 1994/03/28
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- "...At least twenty of the outermost prefects of the Galaxy, the entire Periphery as a matter of fact, have begun steering things their own way. I tell you I feel damned uncertain of the Empire and its ability to protect us."
"Hokum! Royal Governors, Kings -- what's the difference?"
(Isaac Asimov: Foundation)
Wordnik というサイトが収録している実例では、
- “The ending is amazingly touching without falling into hokum, a rare feat in most Hollywood films.”
- “More important, musicians like Georgia Tom and Tampa Red showed him how to write and sing hokum, a jokey, sexy type of blues guaranteed to make the dancers shimmy.”
- a device used (as by showmen) to evoke a desired audience response
(Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)
- A stock technique for eliciting a desired response from an audience.
(American Heritage Dictionary)
- obvious or hackneyed material of a sentimental nature in a play, film, etc
(Collins English Dictionary)
- trite or mawkish sentiment, crude humor, etc. used to get a quick emotional response from an audience
(Webster's New World College Dictionary)
一方で Wordnik には、政治家などの言動について hokum を使っている例も載っていた。辞書の中には、
- Meaningless nonsense with an outward appearance of being impressive and legitimate.
- false or irrelevant material introduced into a speech, essay, etc., in order to arouse interest, excitement, or amusement.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)
前回も書いたように、この単語は、hocus-pocus と bunkum を掛けあわせたものと考えられているが、hocus-pocus についても後日書いたみたい。
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