
「無料」と「自由」、どっちの free? (free as in free beer, free as in speech / gratis, libre) [辞書に載っていない表現]

前回は、fresh に「新鮮な」のほか「塩分のない」という意味があることや salt-free という単語について触れたが、この free も2つの異なる意味を持つ。

同様にまぎらわしい funny には、どちらかを確かめるために funny ha-ha or funny peculiar という表現があることも以前書いたが、free にもこうした言い回しがある。それが free as in free beer free as in speech である。


- free as in beer (not comparable)
(used only predicatively) Free in the sense of costing no money; gratis.
This term and its counterpart free as in speech are mostly used in computing contexts

- free as in speech (not comparable)
(used only predicatively) Free in the sense of having no restrictions; libre.

上記の gratis libre はラテン語だろうが、Wikipedia はこの2つの語を項目とし、その中で free as in free beer と free as in speech を説明していた。


- The English adjective free is commonly used in one of two meanings: "for zero price" (gratis) and "with little or no restriction" (libre). This ambiguity of free can cause issues where the distinction is important, as it often is in dealing with laws concerning the use of information, such as copyright and patents. (中略)
As the English adjective free does not distinguish between "for zero price" and "liberty", the phrases "free as in free beer" (gratis, freeware) and "free as in free speech" (libre, free software) were adopted. (中略)

"Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of free as in free speech, not as in free beer."
-Richard Stallman

These phrases have become common, along with gratis and libre, in the software development and computer law fields for encapsulating this distinction.
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- Information can be "free as in speech" (i.e., available for access, downloading, and modification) without being "free as in beer." (i.e., given away for no charge).
(A Companion to New Media Dynamics)

- The main question asked in this paper is “what should 'free access' mean in relation to legal information in order for it to be fully effective?” As with software, we must ask whether free access to law is ‘free as in beer, or free as in speech?’
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アメリカのfree wayは両方の意味を含んだ掛言葉的な意味だと
by eGuy (2015-03-10 10:03) 

tempus fugit


by tempus fugit (2015-03-12 01:26) 




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