
hot potato 「(関わりたくない)やっかいな問題」 [単語・表現]

前回の piping hot 「とても熱い」の実例として見つけた piping hot potato の字面を見て、否応なく連想したのが hot potato である。焼き芋ならぬ熱々のジャガイモは、口にするのはもちろん手に持つのも大変だからだろうか、難題や難局をこう呼ぶ。

- (口)(誰もが処理したがらない)不快な(危険な、扱いにくい)問題

- (話)困難(不愉快、危険)な立場(問題)、難局、難題
The political parties are playing hot potato with the issue of raising taxes. 政党は増税問題で互いに手を焼いている


- A problem so controversial and sensitive that it is risky to deal with.
For example, Gun control is a political hot potato.
(American Heritage Idioms Dictionary)

- (countable, idiomatic) An awkward or delicate problem with which nobody wants to be associated.
The politician hastened to distance himself from that political hot potato.

- A controversial subject that no one wants to talk about is one kind of hot potato. A hot potato is an issue that makes everyone feel uncomfortable.
The phrase hot potato comes up a lot in politics. For example, a reporter might explain that a candidate won't speak about a controversial topic because it's "a political hot potato," or an issue that people disagree strongly about.



- Hot potato comes from the idea of passing a literal hot baked potato from one person to another -- no one wants to be left holding it for very long, because it will burn their fingers.


もうひとつ、辞書には drop (人・物) like a hot potato (brick, chestnut) というイディオムも載っていた。

- (話)(煩わしい人・物事を)急いで排除する(取り除く)

- drop a topic like a hot potato
He dropped her like a hot potato when he heard her political views.

- Fig. to disassociate oneself with someone or something instantly.
When we learned of the conviction, we dropped him like a hot potato.
I dropped the idea like a hot potato when the big boss said he didn't like it.
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)

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