concurrent 「時を同じくして」「同時並行の」 [単語・表現]
この形容詞を私は大学受験の頃には知っていたと思うが、かたい言葉であろうことを差し引いても、残念ながら今でも自分から能動的に使える単語ではない。前回 frenemy を取り上げたアメリカNPRの記事に、この concurrent が「なるほど」と思う形で出てきたので、備忘として書いておきたい。
- 1.(~と)同時に発生(存在)する (simultaneous)(with);(職が)兼任の
2.(意見などが)(~と)同一の、一致した (harmonious)(with)
3.(要素・原因などが)協力(合同作用)する (cooperating)
- Despite the tensions, the heads of state are playing nice this week to commemorate their diplomatic coming together 50 years ago.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe showed up at an anniversary event in Tokyo. And at a concurrent reception in Seoul, the Japanese embassy hosted South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
("Best Frenemies: Japan, Korea Mark 50th Anniversary Despite Rivalry" )
さらに理解を深めようと英語圏のオンライン辞書を見ると、 の説明が、たとえも使って秀逸だった。一部を引用しよう。
- Concurrent means happening at the same time, as in two movies showing at the same theater on the same weekend. (中略)To help you remember the meaning of concurrent, imagine two parallel kayaks being carried down a river by the current at the same time.
また泥棒の刑期も例にして、consecutive との違いについて、
- ...concurrent means at the same time, and consecutive means one after the other in a series.(中略)If the robbers served time consecutively, they'd serve first two months for robbing houses, and then another two months for stealing a car. If they served time concurrently, they'd be out in just two months.
さらに、語源の記述を見てもわかるように、同じような意味を表す動詞は、これまた学校英語で覚えた concur である。
- Existing, happening, or done at the same time: there are three concurrent art fairs around the city
Late Middle English: from Latin concurrent- 'running together, meeting', from the verb concurrere (see concur)
(Oxford Dictionaries)
- 1.(~と)同時に発生(存在)する (simultaneous)(with);(職が)兼任の
2.(意見などが)(~と)同一の、一致した (harmonious)(with)
3.(要素・原因などが)協力(合同作用)する (cooperating)
- Despite the tensions, the heads of state are playing nice this week to commemorate their diplomatic coming together 50 years ago.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe showed up at an anniversary event in Tokyo. And at a concurrent reception in Seoul, the Japanese embassy hosted South Korean President Park Geun-hye.
("Best Frenemies: Japan, Korea Mark 50th Anniversary Despite Rivalry" )
さらに理解を深めようと英語圏のオンライン辞書を見ると、 の説明が、たとえも使って秀逸だった。一部を引用しよう。
- Concurrent means happening at the same time, as in two movies showing at the same theater on the same weekend. (中略)To help you remember the meaning of concurrent, imagine two parallel kayaks being carried down a river by the current at the same time.
また泥棒の刑期も例にして、consecutive との違いについて、
- ...concurrent means at the same time, and consecutive means one after the other in a series.(中略)If the robbers served time consecutively, they'd serve first two months for robbing houses, and then another two months for stealing a car. If they served time concurrently, they'd be out in just two months.
さらに、語源の記述を見てもわかるように、同じような意味を表す動詞は、これまた学校英語で覚えた concur である。
- Existing, happening, or done at the same time: there are three concurrent art fairs around the city
Late Middle English: from Latin concurrent- 'running together, meeting', from the verb concurrere (see concur)
(Oxford Dictionaries)
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