text neck 「スマホ首」(スマートフォンの使いすぎで身体がゆがむ・痛む) [辞書に載っていない表現]
前々回は、スマートフォンなどでおなじみの絵文字が emoji としてオックスフォード社の「今年の英単語」に選ばれたことについて書いたが、携帯端末に関連して text neck という比較的新しい単語を取り上げてみよう。
まず、text には「携帯メール(を送る)」という意味がある。まだ収録していない英和辞典が多いと思うが、携帯端末に詳しい人ならもうおなじみの単語になっているのではないだろうか。text message ともいう。というより、これが単に text となったのかもしれない。
前々回 emoji について引用した英文にも出ていたので、同じ文だが、もう一度書き写してみよう。
- Emojis are no longer the preserve of texting teens -- instead, they have been embraced as a nuanced form of expression, and one which can cross language barriers.
こうしたことは知識として持っていても、旧世代の私としては、次に引用する辞書の例文のような text me という言葉を突然言われたら、やはり反応が一、二テンポは遅れるだろうなと気弱になる。
- transitive, intransitive to send somebody a written message using a mobile/cell phone text (somebody)
Text me when you're on your way.
Kids seem to be texting non-stop these days. text somebody something I'll text you the final score. see also SMS, text-message
- text-message verb (also text)
to send somebody a written message using a mobile/cell phone
I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub.
text message noun (also text)
a written message that you send using a mobile/cell phone
Send a text message to this number to vote.
この text に neck をつけた言葉は英語圏の辞書にも見当たらないので、実際に使われた例を見ることにしよう。以下はCNNの記事で、"Your smartphone is a pain in the neck" というタイトルは「悩みの種」を意味する首関係のイディオムに引っかけていて、うまい。
- Chances are you're reading this while leaning over a table or slumped back in a chair. Your head is tilted forward; your shoulders are curved.
If you're on a mobile device, your arms are bent by your side and your back hunch is even more profound.(中略)
The position you're in is probably causing you pain, whether you're aware of it yet or not. Don't worry, physical therapists have a diagnosis for the headaches, neck cricks and achy shoulders. They call it "Text Neck."
- These shocking X-rays show teenagers and children as young as seven developing hunchbacks and abnormally curved spines because of an addiction to smartphones.
A leading Australian chiropractor has warned that 'text neck' - a condition often brought on by bending over phones and tablets for several hours at a time - is becoming an epidemic.(中略)
'The condition is called 'text neck' because it is often caused when people sit with their heads dropped forward looking at their devices for several hours at a time.
'Instead of a normal forward curve, patients can be seen to have a backwards curve. It can be degenerative, often causing head, neck, shoulder and back pain.
'Many patients come in complaining they have a headache, but we actually find text neck is the cause of it.
まず、text には「携帯メール(を送る)」という意味がある。まだ収録していない英和辞典が多いと思うが、携帯端末に詳しい人ならもうおなじみの単語になっているのではないだろうか。text message ともいう。というより、これが単に text となったのかもしれない。
前々回 emoji について引用した英文にも出ていたので、同じ文だが、もう一度書き写してみよう。
- Emojis are no longer the preserve of texting teens -- instead, they have been embraced as a nuanced form of expression, and one which can cross language barriers.
こうしたことは知識として持っていても、旧世代の私としては、次に引用する辞書の例文のような text me という言葉を突然言われたら、やはり反応が一、二テンポは遅れるだろうなと気弱になる。
- transitive, intransitive to send somebody a written message using a mobile/cell phone text (somebody)
Text me when you're on your way.
Kids seem to be texting non-stop these days. text somebody something I'll text you the final score. see also SMS, text-message
- text-message verb (also text)
to send somebody a written message using a mobile/cell phone
I text-messaged him to say we were waiting in the pub.
text message noun (also text)
a written message that you send using a mobile/cell phone
Send a text message to this number to vote.
この text に neck をつけた言葉は英語圏の辞書にも見当たらないので、実際に使われた例を見ることにしよう。以下はCNNの記事で、"Your smartphone is a pain in the neck" というタイトルは「悩みの種」を意味する首関係のイディオムに引っかけていて、うまい。
- Chances are you're reading this while leaning over a table or slumped back in a chair. Your head is tilted forward; your shoulders are curved.
If you're on a mobile device, your arms are bent by your side and your back hunch is even more profound.(中略)
The position you're in is probably causing you pain, whether you're aware of it yet or not. Don't worry, physical therapists have a diagnosis for the headaches, neck cricks and achy shoulders. They call it "Text Neck."
- These shocking X-rays show teenagers and children as young as seven developing hunchbacks and abnormally curved spines because of an addiction to smartphones.
A leading Australian chiropractor has warned that 'text neck' - a condition often brought on by bending over phones and tablets for several hours at a time - is becoming an epidemic.(中略)
'The condition is called 'text neck' because it is often caused when people sit with their heads dropped forward looking at their devices for several hours at a time.
'Instead of a normal forward curve, patients can be seen to have a backwards curve. It can be degenerative, often causing head, neck, shoulder and back pain.
'Many patients come in complaining they have a headache, but we actually find text neck is the cause of it.
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tempus fugit様
text neckについて調べましたら、このような記事が引っかかりました。
by Kawada (2016-02-25 12:18)
Kawadaさん、紹介いただきましたリンク先の記事を楽しく読ませていただきました。ヨガが効くというのはなるほどと思いましたが、最後のところでその名もText Neckという警告アプリが紹介されていて、こんなものまであるのかと感心しました。今度試してみようかな。
by tempus fugit (2016-02-25 23:54)