
potshot 「狙い撃ち」「乱射」「言いたい放題」 [単語・表現]

先日取り上げたスパイものノンフィクション A Spy Among Friends から、目にとまった単語をもうひとつ紹介したい。potshot は「近距離からの狙い撃ち」「手当たり次第の射撃」「思いつきの批評」といった、いくつかの訳語が辞書に載っている。

この作品の主人公のひとりであるイギリスの諜報部員 Nicholas Elliott が、第2次世界大戦の直前にドイツで活動していた時のこと。イギリスの駐在武官 General Mason-MacFarlane が住むアパートからは、ヒトラーが閲兵の際に立つ壇が丸見えだった。狙撃(暗殺)するには絶好の機会だったが、結局実行には移さなかった、というエピソードが書かれている。少し長いが引用しよう。

- From the balcony of the apartment there was a clear view of Hitler on his saluting podium. Under his breath, the general remarked to Elliott that the Führer was well within rifle range: 'I am tempted to take advantage of this,' he muttered, adding that he could 'pick the bastard off from here as easy as winking'. Elliott 'strongly urged him to take a pot shot'. Mason-MacFarlane thought better of the idea, though he later made a formal request to be allowed to assassinate Hitler from his balcony. Sadly for the world, the offer was turned down.
(A Spy Among Friends by Ben Macintyre)

potshot はここでは「狙い撃ち」が当てはまりそうだが、冒頭に書いたように、「やみくもに撃つこと」、また「思いつくままの非難」、「行き当たりばったり」といった、むしろこれとは反対のような意味もあるのがおもしろい。


- from the notion that such a shot is unsportsmanlike and worthy only of one whose object is to fill the cooking pot
First Known Use: 1843
(Merriam-Webster's Online Dictionary)

- Mid 19th century: originally a shot at an animal intended for the pot, i.e., for food, rather than for display (which would require skilled shooting).
(Oxford Dictionaries)



なお、辞書を見ていたら pothunter という単語も目にとまった。「(食料にするために)手当たり次第に撃つ狩猟家」「賞金目当ての競技参加者」「採取の心得を知らない素人考古学採集家」といった訳語が並んでいる。ルールやマナーなど気にかけずに漁り回る、という感じであろう。

最後に、英語圏の辞書から potshot の説明を抜き書きしよう。

- 1. a pothunter's shot
2. an easy shot, as at close range
3. a random shot
4. a haphazard try
5. a random criticism or attack
(Webster's New World College Dictionary)

- 1. A shot aimed unexpectedly or at random at someone or something with no chance of self-defense:
a sniper took a potshot at him
1.1A criticism, especially a random or unfounded one:
the show takes wickedly funny potshots at movies
1.2A shot at a game bird or other animal purely to kill it for food, without regard to the rules of the sport.
(Oxford Dictionaries)

- UK also pot
a shot that is fired carelessly or with little preparation
He was taking potshots at neighbourhood cats.
a criticism:
The recent criticism of his leadership has included potshots from several leading political journalists.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal

A Spy Among Friends: Philby and the Great Betrayal

  • 作者: Ben Macintyre
  • 出版社/メーカー: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
  • 発売日: 2015/03/12
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

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