f-bomb 「汚い言葉、罵詈雑言」とトランプ次期大統領 [辞書に載っていない表現]
先日取り上げた expletive からの連想だが、これと同じようにトランプ氏の登場後よく目にする感がある言葉が f-bomb である。特徴のある単語を最初の1文字プラス -word と表記することがあり、代表的といえるのが下品な言葉を表す f-word だが、word の代わりに bomb を使って同じく f*** を表している。大文字の F の場合もある。
こうした汚い言葉は four-letter word とか swear word、curse word, また難しげな profanity など、いろいろな呼び方があるが、「f の字」というのに bomb が使われているのがおもしろい。
- Donald Trump wants to know why former Mexican president Vicente Fox isn’t in more trouble — the kind of trouble Trump would be in — for dropping an F-bomb Thursday (中略).
Fox declared in an interview with Fusion, the English-language media outlet jointly owned by Univision and Disney, that his country is “not going to pay for that f—ing wall.” (中略)
Trump’s assertion that “there would be an uproar” if he did the same thing is likely based on media coverage of a New Hampshire campaign rally three weeks ago, at which Trump appeared to use the F-word, too.
("Donald Trump thinks he’s the victim of an F-bomb double standard" Washington Post Feb.25, 2016)
ここに出てくる「ニューハンプシャー州での遊説」でトランプは、f-word を言いかけて「寸止め」したのだが、マスコミはこの言葉を使ったように伝えたということで、トランプが怒った。次はそれについての記事である。
- Trump has also said he's gotten a raw deal from reporters who put foul words in his mouth – including fallout from a February 4 rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in which he dropped a non-F-bomb.
'We're going to bring businesses back,' he told his crowd that night. 'We're going to have businesses that used to be in New Hampshire, that are now in Mexico, come back to New Hampshire!'
'And you can tell them to "Go (———) themselves!" (中略)
Trump mouthed the letter 'F' but never vocalized the word. (中略)
On Saturday he blasted the broadcast media for airing clips of that moment with a 'bleep' sound even though there was no F-bomb to cover up.
(Daily Mail, Feb.14, 2016)
なおここに出てくる bleep については、先日も書いたように以前取り上げたことがある(→ 放送禁止用語にかぶせる bleep)。
f-bomb は見た範囲の英和辞典には記載がなかったので、英語圏のオンライン辞書を見てみると、
- drop an f-bomb
informal to use the word fuck in a situation where it will cause great offence
(Collins English Dictionary)
- accidental use of a profanity in public, especially on TV etc. Someone who does this is said to drop an/the F-bomb
(Macmillan Dictionary)
- The term "F-bomb" usually refers to the unanticipated use of the word "fuck" in a particularly inappropriate setting, such as public media. The term was first reported in a newspaper (Newsday) in 1988 when Hall of Fame baseball catcher Gary Carter used it. In 2012 it was listed, for the first time, in the mainstream Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuck#F-bomb )
こうした汚い言葉は four-letter word とか swear word、curse word, また難しげな profanity など、いろいろな呼び方があるが、「f の字」というのに bomb が使われているのがおもしろい。
- Donald Trump wants to know why former Mexican president Vicente Fox isn’t in more trouble — the kind of trouble Trump would be in — for dropping an F-bomb Thursday (中略).
Fox declared in an interview with Fusion, the English-language media outlet jointly owned by Univision and Disney, that his country is “not going to pay for that f—ing wall.” (中略)
Trump’s assertion that “there would be an uproar” if he did the same thing is likely based on media coverage of a New Hampshire campaign rally three weeks ago, at which Trump appeared to use the F-word, too.
("Donald Trump thinks he’s the victim of an F-bomb double standard" Washington Post Feb.25, 2016)
ここに出てくる「ニューハンプシャー州での遊説」でトランプは、f-word を言いかけて「寸止め」したのだが、マスコミはこの言葉を使ったように伝えたということで、トランプが怒った。次はそれについての記事である。
- Trump has also said he's gotten a raw deal from reporters who put foul words in his mouth – including fallout from a February 4 rally in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in which he dropped a non-F-bomb.
'We're going to bring businesses back,' he told his crowd that night. 'We're going to have businesses that used to be in New Hampshire, that are now in Mexico, come back to New Hampshire!'
'And you can tell them to "Go (———) themselves!" (中略)
Trump mouthed the letter 'F' but never vocalized the word. (中略)
On Saturday he blasted the broadcast media for airing clips of that moment with a 'bleep' sound even though there was no F-bomb to cover up.
(Daily Mail, Feb.14, 2016)
なおここに出てくる bleep については、先日も書いたように以前取り上げたことがある(→ 放送禁止用語にかぶせる bleep)。
f-bomb は見た範囲の英和辞典には記載がなかったので、英語圏のオンライン辞書を見てみると、
- drop an f-bomb
informal to use the word fuck in a situation where it will cause great offence
(Collins English Dictionary)
- accidental use of a profanity in public, especially on TV etc. Someone who does this is said to drop an/the F-bomb
(Macmillan Dictionary)
- The term "F-bomb" usually refers to the unanticipated use of the word "fuck" in a particularly inappropriate setting, such as public media. The term was first reported in a newspaper (Newsday) in 1988 when Hall of Fame baseball catcher Gary Carter used it. In 2012 it was listed, for the first time, in the mainstream Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.
( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuck#F-bomb )
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