
antediluvian 「古くさい」「時代遅れの」 [単語・表現]

アメリカで高まる人種差別抗議の動きを受けて、音楽グループが antebellum という名前を取りやめたことについて前回書いたが、この単語から連想した antediluvian について短く書いておきたい。

まずは英文記事で使われていた実例を引用しよう。ひとつ目は最近の The Economist 誌にあった、新型コロナウイルスとイギリス議会についてもの、2つ目はカルロス・ゴーン氏の逃亡にからんで日本の司法制度について書かれたものである。

- ...So concludes one scene in “This House”, an account of government in the 1970s. The play’s revival, streamed online on May 28th, was timely. A few days later, antediluvian parliamentary procedures were back in the spotlight. The government ditched the online voting system for MPs that was introduced in April. Since social-distancing measures are still necessary, the queue for the first vote snaked for 1,421 yards, leaving the House of Commons. Voting lasted 45 minutes.
("The British government shows how not to return to work" The Economist June 4, 2020)

- In Japan, the accused can be held for 23 days without charge – this is almost indefinitely renewable as judges normally give prosecutors the benefit of the doubt. In April 2019, more than 1,000 lawyers and scholars submitted a petition to the justice ministry demanding an end to this antediluvian system. The Japan Federation of Bar Associations has also long lobbied against it.
("The Carlos Ghosn case shines a light into the dark corners of Japanese justice" The Guardian Jan. 8, 2020)

前回の antebellum と共通する ante- は、先日書いたように「~より前の」という意味だが、後ろの部分はラテン語の diluvium に由来し、これは英語だと deluge あるいは flood のことだという。

といっても、ここではただの洪水ではない。西洋世界では特別な、いわば定冠詞がついて大文字で始まる the Flood、つまり「ノアの大洪水」を指す。



- Antediluvian means "before the flood" — that is, the Biblical flood with Noah's ark. Generally, though, the word is used — often humorously — to describe something really, really old.

- 1. Of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood.
1.1 humorous Ridiculously old-fashioned.
They maintain antediluvian sex-role stereotypes.
Officials at headquarters either forgot about it, or could not store the information in a useful place because of an antediluvian computer system.
(Oxford Dictionaries)

- humorous extremely old-fashioned:
My mother has some hopelessly antediluvian ideas about the role of women.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

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