
out of an abundance of caution ~トランプ、「念のため」入院 [アメリカ政治]

トランプ大統領が新型コロナウイルスに感染して入院するという、皮肉ともいえる事態となった。このニュースでも目にした out of an abundance of caution という表現を取り上げてみたい。

abundance は「豊富」「きわめて多い」「あり余るほど大量」ということだが、caution と組み合わせて「度が過ぎるほどの慎重さを期して」というのは、つまり「念には念を入れて」「用心に用心を重ねて」ということになる。

トランプ大統領は、症状が軽いとされるものの、ワシントンのウォルター・リード陸軍病院 Walter Reed Military Medical Center に入院した。ホワイトハウスがその説明の際に使っていたのが、この表現だった。

- "President Trump remains in good spirits, has mild symptoms, and has been working throughout the day," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said in a statement Friday.

"Out of an abundance of caution, and at the recommendation of his physician and medical experts, the President will be working from the presidential offices at Walter Reed for the next few days," she said.
("Trump taken to Walter Reed 'out of abundance of caution' WH says" Fox News)


- The President's oldest son, Donald Trump Jr., announced Saturday on Twitter that he has tested negative.(中略)"I tested negative so I'll give it a few more days out of and [sic] abundance of caution and test again and if I'm clear I'll be back to work asap."
Azar told reporters Friday morning he was tested "out of an abundance of caution" and also tweeted that morning that he tested negative for the virus.
("Here are the Cabinet members and others around Trump who have been tested" CNN October 3, 2020)


- As public health officials, companies, organizations and individuals grapple with the knowns and the unknowns of COVID-19, phrases like “out of an abundance of caution” have become the norm. (中略)
Is it all overkill? We don’t know. And that’s the key. That’s why “out of an abundance of caution” is the phrase of the moment—and we believe appropriately so.
This is not a time to be critical of organizations that make what might seem like drastic decisions “out of an abundance of caution.” They are not panicking. They are acting with the public’s interest at heart, something that should be the goal for all of us.
("Editorial: ‘Abundance of caution’ is appropriate in decisions about coronavirus"
Indianapolis Business Journal March 13, 2020)


- Last October, when fear about Ebola was at its height in the US, we saw the phrase, “out of an abundance of caution” being used to justify just about anything under the sun.
("'Out of an abundance of caution' – An overused phrase" Johns Hopkins Bloomberg school of Public Health July 22, 2015)

トランプ大統領は、"lack of caution" "absence of caution" と言われても仕方がない行動を取っていたので、「身から出たサビ」と言うと失礼になるが、しかしそれでも今回の感染で考えを変えるような人物ではないだろう。




なお直接の関係はないが、err on the side of という別の表現を連想したので、以前取り上げたエントリをメモしておきたい。

err on the (right) side of 「まだましな方を選ぶ」「~に越したことはない」

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