
pro forma「形だけの」「手続き上の」(バイデン氏当選認定で議会に乱入) [アメリカ政治]

アメリカの連邦議会をトランプ支持者が一時占拠し、死者まで出た末にバイデン氏の大統領当選が正式に認定された。とりあえず大混乱は収まった形だが、不穏な状況は今後も続いていくことだろう。ニュースでは insurrection (反乱)といった物騒な単語も出てきたほどだ。


そのペンス氏に関わる最近の記事で pro forma という単語を何度か目にしたので、取り上げてみたい。


- Pence, as president of the Senate, will oversee Congress’s counting of the Electoral College vote during a joint session Wednesday, a typically brief, ceremonial proceeding that will end with him announcing President-elect Joe Biden’s election win.
But the pro-forma role is turning into a loyalty test for Pence, as President Trump pressures him to challenge Biden’s win and some of the president's rivals for a potential 2024 White House bid lead the charge to overturn the election.
("Trump election fight puts Pence in no-win situation" The Hill January 5, 2021)

- Trump, based on arguments from a fringe set of lawyers and certain White House officials, has argued that instead of simply acting in his constitutionally-prescribed pro forma role, Pence could delay the certification beyond Wednesday and ultimately force the question of who won the election to either the House of Representatives or the Supreme Court.
("Pence informed Trump that he can't block Biden's win" CNN January 6, 2021)


- The council is an honorary, prestigious academic body whose members are nominated by the council, approved by its general assembly and, in what has usually been a pro forma process, appointed by the prime minister.
("Suga picks an unnecessary and counterproductive fight" The Japan Times October 21, 2020)

- The meeting was scheduled to last 20 minutes, clearly a pro forma effort.
(Bob Woodward: State of Denial)


- Done or produced as a matter of form.
pro forma reports
(Oxford Dictionaries)

- made or carried out in a perfunctory manner or as a formality
The meeting was strictly pro forma, since the decision had already been made.
The House adjourned Monday after approving the pandemic relief bill, with only pro forma sessions scheduled until possible votes on Dec. 28.

トランプ大統領の「タガがはずれた」unhinged な状態はひどくなる一方で、私は一種の人格障害ではないかと疑っているが、それでも政権の最終盤にこのような前代未聞の事態を引き起こすとは想像もしなかった。



トランプ氏はその後、「秩序ある政権移行」orderly transition を確約したが、同時にあくまで選挙結果は認めないとしている。"While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it's only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again." とも述べている。


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