
inoculate 「ワクチンを接種する」(新型コロナウイルスのワクチン承認) [ニュースと英語]

新型コロナウイルスのワクチンが国内で初承認されたが、inoculate について短く取り上げたい。「予防接種をする」「ワクチンなどを打つ」という意味だが、コロナ禍についての英文記事で目にすることが重なり、いやでも覚えてしまった単語だ。

英語は同じ単語を繰り返して使うのを嫌うので、vaccinate の言い換えとしても重宝されているのかもしれない。

- Japan formally approved Pfizer Inc.'s coronavirus vaccine on Sunday, the first greenlit for domestic use, clearing the way for the nation to start inoculating health workers in a matter of days.
("Japan approves Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, 1st for domestic use" Kyodo carried by Nikkei Asia February 14, 2021)

- Japan is unlikely to inoculate as many people with Pfizer Inc.'s COVID-19 vaccine as planned due to a shortage of special syringes capable of extracting the final dose from vials provided by the drugmaker, health minister Norihisa Tamura said Tuesday.
("Fewer people in Japan to get Pfizer vaccine due to syringe shortage"
Kyodo carried by The Japan Times February 10, 2021)

このように、目的語に接種を受ける人や動物を置き、接種するワクチンなどは with をつけて表す。また病気を入れたい場合は前置詞として for あるいは against を使うことが辞書を見るとわかる。

- to protect someone against a disease by putting a weak form of the disease into their body using a needle
→ immunize, vaccinate
All the children had been inoculated against hepatitis.

- to give a weak form of a disease to a person or animal, usually by injection, as a protection against that disease:
My children have been inoculated against polio.
Synonym vaccinate
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)



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