
braggadocio「大言壮語」「ふんぞり返った態度」 [ラテン語・外来語]

今回取り上げる単語も、以前読んだビリー・ジョエルの伝記から実例を紹介したい。braggadocio は brag 「自慢する」に関係があるのでは想像がつきそうだが、その通りで、「大言壮語(をする人)」「自慢屋」「ほら吹き」「横柄な態度」を指す。

- In a fashion that’s almost free of braggadocio, and more like a musical sensei offering his protégé some dutiful feedback, he tosses a comment over his shoulder as he turns for the stage: “Still got the mojo.”
(Billy Joel: The Definitive Biography by Fred Schruers)

この部分は、日本語の「先生」に由来する sensei が出てきたのがおもしろかったのでメモしておいたのだが、braggadocio の方を取り上げることにした。


- When discussing his wealth and business dealings, Trump said he did not want to sound "braggadocious".

Dictionary publisher Merriam-Webster said searches for the word spiked during the debate and it was in fact a dialectical word from 19th Century America, meaning "arrogant."

They explained it is thought to have come from "braggadocio" which is an older term defined as "the annoying or exaggerated talk of someone who is trying to sound very proud or brave".
("'Executive time' and other phrases we owe to Trump" BBC, January 8, 2018)

上記に定義が出てくるが、他にも英語圏の辞書から引用しよう。最初の empty boasting はまさに「空威張り」で、日本語と同じ感覚なのがおもしろい。それとも外国語の影響を受けてこの日本語ができたのだろうか。

- plural braggadocios
1 empty boasting; bragging.
2 a boasting person; braggart.

- a proud way of talking about your achievements or possessions that annoys other people
(Macmillan Dictionary)


- Boastful or arrogant behaviour.
But this memoir is full not of braggadocio, but of self-doubt, as well as wit, humour and passion.
Late 16th century (denoting a boaster): from Braggadocchio, the name of a braggart in Spenser's The Faerie Queene, from brag or braggart + the Italian suffix -occio, denoting something large of its kind.
(Oxford Dictionaries)

なお、bravado という別の単語を連想したが、これについてはすでに取り上げていたので、ついでに紹介しておきたい。

bravado 「虚勢」「空威張り」 

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Billy Joel: The Definitive Biography

Billy Joel: The Definitive Biography

  • 作者: Schruers, Fred
  • 出版社/メーカー: Crown
  • 発売日: 2015/11/17
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

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