
war story「波乱に満ちた体験談」「冒険譚」 [読書と英語]

前回に続いて傑作ノンフィクション Bad Blood で実例を拾った表現を取り上げよう。war story は何の変哲もない言葉に見えるが、文字通りの「戦記」に特化したものではなく、比喩的に一般的な内容にも使うことができる。

Bad Blood は医療診断装置開発のベンチャー企業をめぐる詐欺を描いた作品だが、こんな一節がある。

- Gary was a good old boy from Texas. He liked to tell war stories about his days as a rodeo rider. He’d given up riding and pursued a career as a chemist after breaking too many bones. Gary loved to gossip and crack jokes, causing Shaunak to burst into a loud, high-pitched giggle that was the most ridiculous laugh Ed had ever heard.
(Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup by John Carreyrou)



- A recounting of a memorable personal experience, especially one involving challenge, hardship, danger, or other interesting features.
(Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary)

- ... today tellers of "war stories" need not have experienced a literal battlefield. Around the middle of the 19th century, "war story" took on a more figurative meaning, and nowadays such accounts can encompass challenges in the workplace, on the campaign trail, in sports, in one's travels ... wherever difficulties need to be overcome.
politicians swapping war stories from past campaigns
He liked to tell war stories from his life as a sea captain.
We exchanged war stories about our time as interns at the same company.


- Cricket legend Shane Warne and golf great Tiger Woods traded war stories about mental toughness throughout their prolific careers, including how they enjoyed “messing with opponent’s heads”.
("Shane Warne Instagram post reveals what makes Tiger Woods tick" April 27, 2020)

- Like bad airline stories, everyone has a bad e-commerce story to tell.
These days, exchanging war stories about your online shopping experiences has become fashionable at cocktail parties.
("Web War Stories(1) " Travel Weekly Asia April 10, 2009)

- At the first annual event in San Francisco today, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists shared war stories about their failures so that the next generation can learn from them. The experience of failure often gives entrepreneurs the drive to make a comeback, accompanied by the constant fear that they could one day experience that failure again.
("For Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, failure is an option" Venturebeat October 27, 2009)

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Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup

  • 作者: Carreyrou, John
  • 出版社/メーカー: Vintage
  • 発売日: 2020/01/28
  • メディア: ペーパーバック

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