war chest「軍資金」「活動資金」 [単語・表現]
前回の war story からの連想で、war chest について短く書いておきたい。日本語でも「軍資金」といえば、別に戦争でないことにも使えるので、人間は同じような発想をするものなのかもしれない。
また chest というと「タンス預金」という日本語も連想してしまったが、war chest では「タンス」というよりも「金庫」という意味で使われているのではないかと想像する。
- Britain announced a $39-billion war chest to soften the economic impact of the coronavirus after the Bank of England cut interest rates on Wednesday and Italy, the worst-affected country outside China, said it might further tighten already draconian curbs.
("Britain, Italy Announce War Chests to Try to Halt Impact of Coronavirus" Reuters carried by VOA News, March 11, 2020)
- a fund accumulated to finance a war
broadly : a fund earmarked for a specific purpose, action, or campaign
The candidate held fund-raising dinners to build up his war chest.
The congressman is also building his campaign war chest.
- money that has been collected or saved to pay for something, especially a long fight to achieve something:
The candidates are gathering money for their election war chests.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)
下記は Wikipedia の記述だが、これによれば war chest 自体、もともとはカネに関わるものではなかったそうで、chest を「金庫」とした私の最初の見立ても結局は間違いだったということになりそうだ。
- A war chest is a metaphor for any collection of tools or money intended to be used in a challenging or dangerous situation. Historically, it referred to the chest located in the homes or barracks of soldiers, in which the soldier kept arms and armor. In the modern era, it more often refers to a collection of funds (or less occasionally special tools or equipment) intended to allow a person or organization to get through a situation that requires much more readiness or money than usual.
また chest というと「タンス預金」という日本語も連想してしまったが、war chest では「タンス」というよりも「金庫」という意味で使われているのではないかと想像する。
- Britain announced a $39-billion war chest to soften the economic impact of the coronavirus after the Bank of England cut interest rates on Wednesday and Italy, the worst-affected country outside China, said it might further tighten already draconian curbs.
("Britain, Italy Announce War Chests to Try to Halt Impact of Coronavirus" Reuters carried by VOA News, March 11, 2020)
- a fund accumulated to finance a war
broadly : a fund earmarked for a specific purpose, action, or campaign
The candidate held fund-raising dinners to build up his war chest.
The congressman is also building his campaign war chest.
- money that has been collected or saved to pay for something, especially a long fight to achieve something:
The candidates are gathering money for their election war chests.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)
下記は Wikipedia の記述だが、これによれば war chest 自体、もともとはカネに関わるものではなかったそうで、chest を「金庫」とした私の最初の見立ても結局は間違いだったということになりそうだ。
- A war chest is a metaphor for any collection of tools or money intended to be used in a challenging or dangerous situation. Historically, it referred to the chest located in the homes or barracks of soldiers, in which the soldier kept arms and armor. In the modern era, it more often refers to a collection of funds (or less occasionally special tools or equipment) intended to allow a person or organization to get through a situation that requires much more readiness or money than usual.
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