
huddle 「身を寄せ合う」「額を寄せ合って相談する」 [単語・表現]

今回も自分の英語学習ノートにメモしていた言葉から拾うことにする。huddle はその光景が目に浮かぶような単語で、いくつかの実例を書きつけていたので、取り上げてみよう。

人が群がったり身を寄せ合ったりすることを指すが、取り上げるきっかけとしてまず目にとまった実例は、これまで何度か表現を引用しているSF小説の Redshirts で拾ったものである。

- “It doesn’t prove anything,” Finn said, after Dahl recounted the events of the attack. The five of them were huddled around a table in the crew lounge, with their drinks.
(Redshirts by John Scalzi)


- They huddled in the West Wing lobby, Hayden on the love seat and Gordon in a chair.
(Angler by Barton Gellman, Barton)

なおここに出てくる love seat は「2人がけのソファー」のことで、別に恋人限定で使われるものではないが、なんだか艶めかしい名称だ。

辞書で huddle をひくと「(寒さや恐怖などで)身を丸める、縮こまる」とも書かれているが、次の実例など、そうした光景が目に浮かぶようだ。

- Inside a giant igloo in a snowy Norwegian village, the sound of a horn rings out, warming the mood of a freezing audience, huddled together in -24 Celsius.
("Ice instruments ring out coolest music in Norway" AFP carried by France 24, February 5, 2018)




- 1. huddle or huddle together or huddle upto move close together in order to stay warm, feel safe, or talk
huddle around/round: We huddled round the fire for warmth.
huddle with: Several aides huddled with the president, discussing strategy.
1a. if American football players huddle, they come together during the match in order to plan their next play
2. to lie or sit with your arms and legs close to your body because you feel ill, cold, or upset
(Macmillan Dictionary)

- to come close together in a group, for example because it is cold:
It was so cold that we huddled together for warmth.
to sit or stand in a bent position with your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of cold or fear:
Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.
mainly US
to discuss something privately in a small group:
After huddling with advisors, the president gave a speech.
We spoke to Democratic lawmakers who are huddling on this issue on Capitol Hill tonight.
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)

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