circular firing squad 「内部対立」「内輪もめ」 [辞書に載っていない表現]
アメリカのバイデン政権が苦境に陥りつつあるというCNNの記事を読んでいたら、circular firing squad という表現が目にとまった。ちょっとおもしろいと思ったので、取り上げてみたい。
- The Biden administration is engaged in a circular firing squad over the CDC's recommendation that even vaccinated individuals must wear masks indoors if they live in areas where spread of the virus is high.
("Joe Biden is having the worst week of his presidency so far" CNN, August 3, 2021)
- Used in reference to a situation in which a group of people are engaged in self-destructive internal conflicts and mutual recriminations.
They will form a circular firing squad in an attempt to prevent his nomination.
Even with the prospect of being able to win control of the Senate, some Republicans are busy manufacturing ammunition for their own circular firing squad.
(Oxford Dictionaries)
- When people with a common enemy end up harming each other instead.
With the more conservative wing actively attacking the centrists, the Republican caucus quickly devolved into a circular firing squad.
(Urban Dictionary)
- a situation in which a group of people who have a common enemy engage in behaviour that ends up harming themselves more than the enemy
The Republican Party is going to be a circular firing squad for the foreseeable future.
(Macmillan Dictionary)
- The GOP, he said, has become a "circular firing squad where we're just attacking members of our party instead of focusing on solving problems" or debating the Biden administration on policy.
("Republicans liken GOP to Titanic, 'circular firing squad'" The Week, May 10, 2021)
- Obama argued, at an Obama Foundation event on Saturday, that party infighting usually leads to the weakening of a movement by "creating what's called a 'circular firing squad' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues."
("Obama's 'circular firing squad' remarks may not persuade 2020 Democrats" CNN, April 8, 2019)
- The Biden administration is engaged in a circular firing squad over the CDC's recommendation that even vaccinated individuals must wear masks indoors if they live in areas where spread of the virus is high.
("Joe Biden is having the worst week of his presidency so far" CNN, August 3, 2021)
- Used in reference to a situation in which a group of people are engaged in self-destructive internal conflicts and mutual recriminations.
They will form a circular firing squad in an attempt to prevent his nomination.
Even with the prospect of being able to win control of the Senate, some Republicans are busy manufacturing ammunition for their own circular firing squad.
(Oxford Dictionaries)
- When people with a common enemy end up harming each other instead.
With the more conservative wing actively attacking the centrists, the Republican caucus quickly devolved into a circular firing squad.
(Urban Dictionary)
- a situation in which a group of people who have a common enemy engage in behaviour that ends up harming themselves more than the enemy
The Republican Party is going to be a circular firing squad for the foreseeable future.
(Macmillan Dictionary)
- The GOP, he said, has become a "circular firing squad where we're just attacking members of our party instead of focusing on solving problems" or debating the Biden administration on policy.
("Republicans liken GOP to Titanic, 'circular firing squad'" The Week, May 10, 2021)
- Obama argued, at an Obama Foundation event on Saturday, that party infighting usually leads to the weakening of a movement by "creating what's called a 'circular firing squad' where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues."
("Obama's 'circular firing squad' remarks may not persuade 2020 Democrats" CNN, April 8, 2019)
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