
poetic justice 「因果応報」「当然の報い」 [注意したい単語・意外な意味]

今回取り上げる poetic justice は、字面を見ただけでは意味の当たりをつけるのが難しい表現ではないだろうか。

これも前回のエントリ同様、007の原作小説 Goldfinger で実例を見つけて自分の学習ノートにメモしておいたものだ。


- Goldfinger had cheated him twice and got away with it.(中略)If it needed one cheat by Bond to rectify the score-sheet that was only poetic justice. And besides, there was more to this than a game of golf. It was Bond’s duty to win.
(Goldfinger by Ian Fleming)

poetic justice は文字通りには「詩的正義」となり、この言葉をあげている英和辞典もあるが、これだけでは意味がわからないので、

- (善人は栄え悪人は滅びるという詩や小説に現れる)理想的正義、因果応報、勧善懲悪



- uncountable
a situation in which someone suffers, and you think they deserve it because they did something bad
After the way she treated Sam, it’s only poetic justice that Dave left her.
(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)

- A punishment or unfavorable outcome that is particularly appropriate or ironic.
The CEO of the cigarette manufacturer, who has long denied the health risks associated with smoking, just died of lung cancer—now isn't that poetic justice?
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)

- Poetic justice is when bad things happen to someone who deserves it. Perhaps his illness was some kind of poetic justice for having deceived so many for so long.
Note: Occasionally people use poetic justice to describe something good that happens to someone who deserves it.
If one can resolve several problems at once — ours as well as yours — it has a certain poetic justice.
(Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary)

にほんブログ村 英語ブログへ

Goldfinger (English Edition)

Goldfinger (English Edition)

  • 作者: Fleming, Lan
  • 出版社/メーカー:
  • 発売日: 2021/09/18
  • メディア: Kindle版

ゴールドフィンガー [Blu-ray]

ゴールドフィンガー [Blu-ray]

  • 出版社/メーカー: ウォルト・ディズニー・ジャパン株式会社
  • 発売日: 2015/10/07
  • メディア: Blu-ray

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