
jimmy 「バールでこじあける」 [刑事コロンボ]

前回触れたアメリカのテレビドラマに出てきた単語をもうひとつ紹介したい。jimmy は人の名前みたいだが、これは何かをこじあけるのに使われる「かなてこ」を指す。また、そうした器具を使ってモノをこじあける動詞としても使われる。

往年の名作ドラマ「刑事コロンボ」 Columbo のエピソード Publish or Perish (邦題「第三の終章)で使われていた。

ひとつは殺人事件の現場で警察官が「jimmy marks が地下室のドアについているのを見つけた」と報告する場面である。

- We also found some jimmy marks on the outside basement door. That's how the guy got in the building.


- A (Columbo): How long has this lock been broken?
B: Well, I don't know that it is.
A: It's been jimmied, sir, and the scratch mark is fresh.
B: I think you're absolutely right, Lieutenant.
I see what you're driving at. You mean that someone could have broken into the car, and that's how the gun was stolen.
A: It's possible, sir.

辞書を見ると、jimmy はアメリカ英語で、イギリス英語では jemmy と綴ることがわかる。


- noun (UK jemmy)
a short, strong metal bar with a curved end, often used to force things open, for example by thieves to force open windows or doors
to force a window or lock open with a jimmy
(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus)

- a short crowbar
The burglar used a jimmy to open the window.
to force open with or as if with a jimmy
the burglar jimmied a window
let's try to jimmy the door lock with my credit card
First Known Use of jimmy
Noun 1848
Verb 1893
History and Etymology for jimmy
from the name Jimmy

- A short crowbar used by a burglar to force open a window or door.
A tool, perhaps a jemmy, was used to open a rear door, but the thieves failed to get inside the car.
The stereo was gone, the front door was bent open with a jimmy, and all my cds had been taken.

Force open (a window or door) with a jimmy.
A front door was jemmied open and thieves stole jewellery, a mobile phone, DVDs and a PlayStation 2 console worth a total of £2,000.
(Oxford Dictionaries)

冒頭に「jimmy は人の名前みたいだが」と書いたが、実際に James の愛称に由来するということが辞書に書かれている。

しかし、なぜそれがドロボウが使う道具を指す言葉になったかということは明確ではないという。次は言葉についてのサイト World Wide Words にあった説明である。

- Authorities are fairly sure that this word — and the verb to jemmy or to jimmy derived from it — did come from a familiar form of James, though precisely why seems likely to remain for ever a mystery. There seems to be a strong tradition of giving tools the names of people.

ついでだが、jimmy の定義に使われていたように、同じくかなてこやバールを指す言葉に crowbar がある。おもしろいことにカラスの crow と関係があるそうだ。次は Wikipedia の記述で、シェイクスピアの「ロミオとジュリエット」にも言及されている。

- The accepted etymology identifies the first component of the word crowbar with the bird-name "crow", perhaps due to the crowbar's resemblance to the feet or beak of a crow. The first attestation of the word is dated back to circa 1400. They also were called simply crows, or iron crows; William Shakespeare used the term iron crow in many places, including his play Romeo and Juliet, Act 5, Scene 2: "Get me an iron crow and bring it straight unto my cell."

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刑事コロンボ傑作選 意識の下の映像/第三の終章 [Blu-ray]

刑事コロンボ傑作選 意識の下の映像/第三の終章 [Blu-ray]

  • 出版社/メーカー: NBCユニバーサル・エンターテイメントジャパン
  • 発売日: 2015/12/02
  • メディア: Blu-ray

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