
ring in the new year 「新年を迎える・祝う」 [単語・表現]

新年を迎えることを表す ring in the new year という表現がある。鐘を鳴らして新年を迎え入れる、というイメージで考えればよさそうだ。

2年前の今ごろは、日産の元会長カルロス・ゴーン氏の逃亡で国内は大騒ぎとなっていたが、当時の 記事から拾って自分の学習ノートに書き抜いていた実例である。

- Carlos Ghosn, a former chairman of Nissan and Renault, would ring in the new year at his luxurious home in Tokyo. Or so Japanese prosecutors thought until two days before the start of the 2020s.
("Ghosn, going, gone: The flight of a car-industry megastar shocks Japan" The Economist, January 4, 2020)


- New Year's Eve is a time for merriment and drinking. Nothing rings in the new year like a glass of bubbly but have you ever wondered what exactly is going into our bodies as we sing Auld Lang Syne?
("Tiny Bubbles: Favorite Drinks, Once Magnified, Become Art" ABC News, December 31, 2011)

- Nothing rings in the new year like a solution of bubbling, neurotoxic ethanol. Humanity’s long-standing relationship with alcohol poses an evolutionary puzzle.
("Drunken monkeys and the evolution of boozing" The Japan Times, January 5, 2017)

英語圏の辞書から引用しよう。二つ目の「マグロウヒル」に Fig. (比喩的な用法)とあるように、新年になる時に実際に鐘を鳴らさなくてもこの表現は使えるわけである。

- To mark the end of the previous year and usher in the start of a new one, typically with a party or other celebration.
People thronged the streets just before midnight to ring in the new year.
My parents are letting me stay up late to ring in the new year with them.
My friends and I all rang in the new year with a wild party at Sarah's house.
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)

- Fig. to celebrate the beginning of the new year at midnight on December 31.
We are planning a big party to ring in the new year. How did you ring in the new year?
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)

- ring in
to celebrate the beginning of (something, such as a new year)
How did you ring in the new millennium?
We're going to New York to ring in the New Year.
(Merriam-Webster. com)


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