
stiff price、dear price 「高い代償」 [注意したい単語・意外な意味]

アメリカのバイデン大統領が就任1年目にあわせて開いた記者会見で、ウクライナに侵攻する動きを見せているロシアに対して警告した。その時に使われた stiff price および dear price という表現をメモしておこう。

「堅い」「こわばった」という訳語で覚えた stiff だが、値段が「高価な、法外な」、また罪などが「厳しい」「重い」という意味もある。また「親愛な」「大切な」の dear にも「割高な」「法外な値段の」という意味があることが辞書に載っている。



- We’re finding ourselves in a position where I believe you will see that there’ll be severe economic consequences. For example, anything that involves dollar denominations, if they make — if they invade, they’re going to pay; they’re not going — their banks will not be able to deal in dollars.
Militarily, they have overwhelming superiority, and on — as it relates to Ukraine. But they’ll pay a stiff price — immediately, near term, medium term, and long term — if they do it.
("Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference" January 19, 2022)

- ... do I think he’ll test the West, test the United States and NATO as significantly as he can? Yes, I think he will. But I think he’ll pay a serious and dear price for it

英語圏の辞書から stiff と dear の定義や例文を書き抜いておこう。dear の今回の意味は主にイギリス英語の用法だということで、アメリカ人であるバイデン大統領も使っているのがちょっとおもしろい。

- more difficult or severe than usual
The company faces stiff competition from its rivals.
There are stiff fines for breaking the rules.
costing a lot or too much
There's a stiff $30 entrance fee to the exhibition.
(Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

- If you say that something is dear, you mean that it costs a lot of money, usually more than you can afford or more than you think it should cost.
[mainly British, informal, disapproval]
Clothes here are much dearer than in the States.
They're too dear.
(Collins English Dictionary)

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