
bully pulpit 「権力の座」 [ニュースと英語]

アメリカの大統領について bully pulpit という言葉を目にしたことがあるが、銃撃され死亡した安倍元総理について取り上げた「タイム」誌のオンライン記事にも出てきた。別に大統領に限って使うということではないらしい。


- Although Abe resigned as leader in 2020, he had not only reasserted his role as the champion of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) conservatives, he also formally assumed the leadership of his party’s largest faction.
Meanwhile, as a highly respected global statesman, he enjoyed a bully pulpit through the domestic and international media, a powerful tool to influence Japan’s policy agenda.
("Why Shinzo Abe Will Continue to Govern Japan for Years After His Death" TIME, July 14, 2022)

bully は「弱い者いじめをする人」「いじめっ子」として覚えた人が多いと思うが、ここでは形容詞で、「すばらしい」「りっぱな」という意味である。pulpit は「説教壇」「演壇」を指す。

そして bully pulpit は、セオドア・ルーズベルト大統領がこの形で使ったことが由来になっているそうで、そのこころは、教会の説教壇をホワイトハウスに、会衆をアメリカの国民にたとえたものだという。


- Of course, what happens in March may ultimately have little bearing in November. Mr. Trump maintains the bully pulpit of the presidency, and Mr. Biden largely avoided intense scrutiny from rivals in a crowded, up-and-down primary campaign.
("Trump’s Re-election Chances Suddenly Look Shakier
" The New York Times, March 12, 2020)

- In the run-up to this referendum on his presidency, Trump has repeatedly refused to commit unequivocally to accepting its outcome. He has used his presidential bully pulpit to try to delegitimize voting by mail, and even hinted that the U.S. Supreme Court would intervene and presumably deliver his a second term.
("Trump’s election gift to China" The Japan Times, November 1, 2020)


- an important public position from which a person can let other people know his or her opinions on particular subjects:
He intends to use his bully pulpit as state superintendent to bring attention to the issue.
Over and over, he made use of the bully pulpit of the presidency, telling Americans he was doing the job they had elected him to do.
(Cambridge English Dictionary)

- A bully pulpit is a conspicuous position that provides an opportunity to speak out and be listened to.
This term was coined by United States President Theodore Roosevelt, who referred to his office as a "bully pulpit", by which he meant a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda.
Roosevelt used the word bully as an adjective meaning "superb" or "wonderful", a more common usage at that time.


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