
Timbuktu 「はるか遠くの場所」「最果ての地」 [固有名詞にちなむ表現]

週末に観たアメリカのTVドラマ「刑事コロンボ」に、アフリカ・マリ中部の町ティンブクトゥ Timbuktu の名前を使ったおもしろい表現が出てきた。「遠隔の地」という比喩的な意味で使われている。


- A(コロンボ): Tell me, Sergeant, if you felt yourself falling off the edge into that darkness, would your scream?
B(部下): They'd hear it in Timbuktu.
A: Well, young Gabriel never uttered a cry. He fell to his death in silence.
(Columbo: Murder with Too Many Notes)


上記のほか from here to Timbuktu のようにも使われる。また私の学習ノートには from Tallahassee to Timbuktu また from Toronto to Timbuktu と、同じく t- で始まるアメリカやカナダの都市と組み合わせた表現がメモしてあったが、実例はなく、書いた当時の記憶もない。

以下、英語圏の辞書から説明や例文を引用しよう。なお冒頭に書いたように日本語では「ティンブクトゥ」と表記されるが、英語での発音は /ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/ で、強勢は一番最後にある。

- Used in reference to a remote or extremely distant place.
If someone tells you they're going from here to Timbuktu you probably think they're on the road to nowhere.
They say that if you don't shut-up and listen they'll send you to Timbuktu.
(Oxford Dictionaries)

- A city in the West African nation of Mali, known for its extreme inaccessibility. Now it is used to mean any extremely distant and inaccessible location.
We used to have each other over for dinner on a regular basis, but then she moved out to Timbuktu, and we haven't done it since.
(Urban Dictionary)


下記は Wikipedia からの引用である。

- Because much of the gold in Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries came from Timbuktu, the city has long been considered a mysterious, hidden place. This association remains with modern Europeans and North Americans (中略)In popular Western culture, Timbuktu is also often considered a faraway place.

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