vote with your feet 「移転・脱退することで反対を表明する」 [ニュースと英語]
個々の単語は簡単ながら、日本語にしようとするとぴったり当てはまる言葉がなく、説明的になってしまう表現がある。少し前の記事で目にとまった vote with one's feet はその例といえそうだ。
- Conservative politicians such as Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, used California's shrinkage to argue that Americans were voting with their feet and rejecting its progressive politics. California's paltry population growth cannot compare with that of Florida or Texas.
("California's population is growing again" The Economist April 30, 2024)
後述するように辞書の中には approval or disapproval としているものもあるが、実際には、期待するサービスを受けられなかったり、自分の考えと相容れなかったりして、もっぱら反対や不支持の場合に取る行動に使われるようだ。
- If you vote with your feet, you show that you do not support something by leaving the place where it is happening or leaving the organization that is supporting it.
Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet, and leaving the country.
Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies.
(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
- To show one's approval or disapproval of something through one's presence or absence, especially disapproval through leaving a place by walking out.
After his inappropriate comment, we all voted with our feet and just walked away, leaving him standing there alone.
If you want to support local businesses, you need to vote with your feet and your dollars—show up and buy stuff!
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)
foot voting という表現も Wikipedia にあった。
- Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in or withdrawing from an activity, group, or process; especially, physical migration to leave a situation one does not like, or to move to a situation one regards as more beneficial. People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet".
Phrase Finder というサイトによると、この表現で示される考え方は古代ローマにさかのぼることができるそうだ。興味がある方は下記を参照いただきたい。
今回と似たような表現に vote with one's wallet があるが、ふと気になって調べたら、このブログで5年前に取り上げており、しかもその中で vote with one's feet にも短く言及していることがわかった。しかしせっかくここまで書いたので、ボツにせずアップすることにしよう。
・vote with one's wallet 「買うか買わないかによって好き嫌いを示す」
・Tinseltown ~光と陰が交錯する街ハリウッド
・la-la land 「非現実的な世界」「夢の国カリフォルニア」
- Conservative politicians such as Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, used California's shrinkage to argue that Americans were voting with their feet and rejecting its progressive politics. California's paltry population growth cannot compare with that of Florida or Texas.
("California's population is growing again" The Economist April 30, 2024)
後述するように辞書の中には approval or disapproval としているものもあるが、実際には、期待するサービスを受けられなかったり、自分の考えと相容れなかったりして、もっぱら反対や不支持の場合に取る行動に使われるようだ。
- If you vote with your feet, you show that you do not support something by leaving the place where it is happening or leaving the organization that is supporting it.
Thousands of citizens are already voting with their feet, and leaving the country.
Authors still have power to vote with their feet by leaving to join smaller companies.
(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
- To show one's approval or disapproval of something through one's presence or absence, especially disapproval through leaving a place by walking out.
After his inappropriate comment, we all voted with our feet and just walked away, leaving him standing there alone.
If you want to support local businesses, you need to vote with your feet and your dollars—show up and buy stuff!
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)
foot voting という表現も Wikipedia にあった。
- Foot voting is expressing one's preferences through one's actions, by voluntarily participating in or withdrawing from an activity, group, or process; especially, physical migration to leave a situation one does not like, or to move to a situation one regards as more beneficial. People who engage in foot voting are said to "vote with their feet".
Phrase Finder というサイトによると、この表現で示される考え方は古代ローマにさかのぼることができるそうだ。興味がある方は下記を参照いただきたい。
今回と似たような表現に vote with one's wallet があるが、ふと気になって調べたら、このブログで5年前に取り上げており、しかもその中で vote with one's feet にも短く言及していることがわかった。しかしせっかくここまで書いたので、ボツにせずアップすることにしよう。
・vote with one's wallet 「買うか買わないかによって好き嫌いを示す」
・Tinseltown ~光と陰が交錯する街ハリウッド
・la-la land 「非現実的な世界」「夢の国カリフォルニア」
にほんブログ村← 参加中です
voteというとすぐに投票と結び付けがちですが、意思表示にも使うのですね。Oxfordにはvote with their feet and their dollarsの例文がありました。さらに意味がはっきりしますね。
by TM (2024-05-27 14:04)