
kumbaya 「表面的な協調、うわべだけの連帯感」「おめでたい理想論」 [辞書に載っていない表現]

前回取り上げた Pollyanna からの連想で、kumbaya という単語について書いてみたい。持っている英和辞典の中で収録しているものは見当たらないが、英文を読んでいて何度か目にしたことがあり、調べて知った言葉だ。

この kumbaya (あるいは大文字で始めて Kumbaya) は "come by here" が変形したものだが、アメリカの古いスピリチュアルソングで、キャンプファイアでよく歌われるという。



- Biden came back to that point in his press conference after the Wednesday sit down. Though he characterized the meeting as ‘positive,’ he also emphasized several times that it wasn’t a friendly affair. “This is not a kumbaya moment,” Biden said, referring to the feel-good song popular in the 1960s. “This is not about trust. This is about self-interest, and verification of self-interest.”
("‘This Is Not a Kumbaya Moment.’ After Biden-Putin Summit, Tensions Remain" TIME, June 16, 2021)

- Even after a 30-minute Kumbaya meeting Friday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and freshman firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., cannot erase their differences forever, “Fox News Sunday” host Chris Wallace predicted.
("Chris Wallace: Speaker Pelosi’s differences with AOC can’t be erased forever" Fox News, July 26, 2019)



- mainly US derogatory
denoting an idealistic and impractical vision of the world in which all people live in peace and harmony
a kumbaya approach to diplomacy
Word origin
C20: from the refrain of an African American spiritual song, from Gullah kum ba yah come by here
(Collins English Dictionary)

- ... In recent years, however, kumbaya has become a term of derision, having been associated with what are considered naïve and unrealistic attitudes of peace, harmony, and cooperation.
This relatively scornful and cynical use of the term often can be found in phrases such as kumbaya moment, referring to an effort to get opposing interests to reconcile in the name of harmony.

- The title of the song is often used sarcastically in English-speaking countries, either to make fun of spirituality and interpersonal relationships or to criticize their superficiality.
Beginning in the 1990s and increasing in the following decades, references to "Kumbaya" or "singing 'Kumbaya'" entered idiomatic usage in the politics of the United States, often to suggest that someone other than the speaker is too conciliatory or eager to compromise.

- sing Kumbaya cliché
To strive for a peaceful and harmonious resolution to some problem or dispute. Typically used facetiously or sarcastically to imply an unrealistic unwillingness to engage in confrontation or hostilities.
Kumbaya originated as an African-American spiritual and became associated with activists in the 1960s, eventually giving rise to the modern use of this phrase.
Of course those tree-hugging hippies don't support a military intervention. They'd rather go hold hands and sing Kumbaya with our enemies!
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)

英和辞典には現時点でも見当たらない kumbaya 自体、私のような日本で生まれ育った英語学習者には何かの機会がなければ知りようのない単語だが、その意味や使われ方の変化となると、身近にネイティブスピーカーがいなければ把握がいっそう困難だっただろう。「だっただろう」と過去形で書けることは、まさにインターネットの恩恵であり、そのありがたさをかみしめることができる単語である。

When Did 'Kumbaya' Become Such A Bad Thing?
(NPR, January 13, 2012)

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ずいぶん昔に聞いたような黒人霊歌の記憶があります。African-American black spiritual songとでもいえばよいのでしょうか。Merriam-Websterには以下の引用がありました。
"We're not all gonna live in a perfect kumbaya society but we can make it better by working and by reaching out, and by assuming the best in each other. And if enough of us do that, we move that boulder up the hill," [Barack] Obama said on Friday.

by TM (2024-08-04 22:42) 


以前からJoan Baez のカバーで親しんでおり、またnegativeな意味で使われることも認識はしていましたが、ここまで全面的に否定的な意味になっているとは知りませんでした。
by 寅三郎 (2024-08-05 10:17) 



by tempus_fugit (2024-08-07 23:41) 



by tempus_fugit (2024-08-07 23:45) 



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