
「裏の意味がある」 loaded [単語・表現]

前回 load the dice を取り上げたついでに、load について書いてみたい。「荷を積む」「装填する」「負荷をかける」「悩ませる」の他に、「都合がよくなるように手心を加える」という意味もある。loaded にすれば形容詞として「含みのある」ということになる。日本的なコミュニケーションを表す時にも使えそうな単語だ。

次は、ダン・ブラウンのベストセラー「ダ・ヴィンチ・コード」 The Da Vinci Code で見つけてメモした例。「ひっかけ質問」とでも訳せばいいだろうか。

"Do you like our pyramid?" the agent asked. Langdon frowned. The French, it seemed, loved to ask Americans this. It was a loaded question, of course. Admitting you liked the pyramid made you a tasteless American, and expressing dislike was an insult to the French.

この loaded question は一種の決まった言い回しといえるようで、Wikipedia は見出し項目にしている。

そこで "Are you still beating your wife?" が例としてあげられていたが、これは私が学生時代に学んだ "Have you stopped beating your wife?" というひっかけ質問と同じものといえるだろう。つまり答えが yes でも no でも、妻に暴力を振るったことに変わりはないというわけである。

老婆心ながら、loaded には、「満員の」「満塁の」「いっぱいの」という意味もあるので、loaded questions と複数形になっていた場合、「山のような質問」と誤って解釈しないよう気をつける必要があるだろう。

なお、連想した類似の言葉に leading question誘導尋問」 a question so worded as to suggest the proper or desired answer がある。


- On the other side, Sen. Edward Kennedy on Tuesday joined other Democrats who have taken to calling a troop increase an "escalation," and he proposed that Congress block funding for any troop increases that the body does not specifically approve.

- Metcalf said "redeployment" and "escalation" were more loaded words.

- The linguistic muddle around the Iraq issue has provoked a counterattack by some politicians unafraid to deploy more muscular, albeit loaded, rhetoric.


- to add additional or prejudicial meaning to (a statement, question, etc.):
The attorney kept loading his questions in the hope of getting the reply he wanted.

- To charge with additional meanings, implications, or emotional import:
loaded the question to trick the witness.

- with hidden implication: having a hidden or secondary implication designed to trick somebody into making an admission or commitment

- (of statements or questions) charged with associative significance and often meant to mislead or influence; "a loaded question"

- not fair, esp. by being especially helpful to one side and not the other, or (of a question) by intentionally using words that will likely produce a particular answer
The report is loaded in favor of the tobacco companies


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