
病気以外もうつる contagious [注意したい単語・意外な意味]

自宅にいる時は、テレビから英語を流して聞くともなしに聞いていることがあるが、先日ニュースをつけていたら "contagious shooting" という表現が耳に飛び込んできた。画面を見ると、ニューヨークで複数の警官が50発もの銃弾を撃って男性を射殺したが、死んだ男性は結局武器を持っていなかったという事件とわかった。

contagious という単語は鳥インフルエンザのニュースで最近よく接するが、ここではもちろん病気のことではない。今回の事件の恐ろしさは別として、面白い表現だと思った。「この単語の意外な意味」の例にあげるほどではなさそうだが、誰かが身の危険を感じて発砲すると、それが文字通り引き金となって、仲間もつられて発砲してしまうことを指していると思われた。


- One or two officers will fire and other officers, believing there's good reason for that will start shooting even though they often don't know why they're shooting or what they're shooting at.


- "If one fires, the rest fire. It is called contagious shooting," Mamet said. "People start shooting; they don't even know why."

- One expert referred this to phenomenon known as contagious shooting, one officer opens fire and others had fear begin shooting, too.

- It is known in police parlance as “contagious shooting” -- gunfire that spreads among officers who believe that they, or their colleagues, are facing a threat. It spreads like germs, like laughter, or fear. An officer fires, so his colleagues do, too.

この意味での contagious の説明や用例を調べると、

- spreading or tending to spread from one to another; infectious: a contagious smile.
- spreading easily and rapidly from person to person. contagious fear; a contagious giggle.

というものや、to spread は使わずに、

- of a fashion, laughter, etc, easily passed on to others.
- likely to affect others: Laughter is contagious.
- exciting similar emotions or conduct in others


最近の「いじめ自殺」からの連想で、"contagious suicide" と言えるか、と思って検索してみると、数はそう多くはないが実例があった。"suicide contagion" や "copycat suicide" もあり、後者は Wikipedia が項目にしていた。

- Finally, the media, in its coverage of celebrity deaths by suicide, has been shown to unintentionally encourage suicide. This effect has been labeled "contagious suicide."

- One risk factor that has emerged from this research is suicide "contagion," a process by which exposure to the suicide or suicidal behavior of one or more persons influences others to commit or attempt suicide.

- Research has shown that graphic, sensationalized or romanticized descriptions of suicide deaths in the news media can contribute to suicide contagion, popularly referred to as “copycat” suicides.


- Werther had a strong impact in Europe; (中略) A contagious suicide effect (sometimes called the Werther effect) seemed to occur, a concern that preoccupies many suicidologists to this day (although archival re-search by Thorson and Oberg (2003) has questioned the existence of the Werther effect after the publication of Goethe's book).


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