
bite one's nails 「爪を噛んでいらいらする」「はらはらどきどきする」 [単語・表現]

前回の bite the bullet からの連想である。「爪を噛む」に何か比喩的な意味があるのか、日本語ネイティブの私もよくわからないが、bite one's nails は、内心の不安が表に出たものと考えられているようだ。何となく納得できる。

- 1. to chew off the ends of one's fingernails
2. to be worried or apprehensive
(Collins English Dictionary)

- 1. to use one's teeth to remove parts of one's fingernails as a means of shortening them.
Stop biting your nails! Use clippers!
2. to literally bite one's nails from nervousness or anxiety; to be nervous or anxious.
I spent all afternoon biting my nails, worrying about you.
We've all been biting our nails from worry.
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)

- feel very excited, nervous, or afraid
nail-biting adj. very exciting or tense;
What an exciting movie that was -- real nail-biting stuff.
(Oxford Idioms Dictionary for Learners of English)

nails の代わりに fingernails としても、また動詞は chew でもよいと辞書にあるが、見出し語は bite の方が多いようで、こちらが主流なのかもしれない。


- Exhibit signs of anxiety, impatience, or nervousness, as in We'll be biting our nails till the jury comes back . Biting one's fingernails is a time-honored sign of emotional tension. The Roman satirist Horace described it about 35 b.c. : "As he wrought his verse he would often ... gnaw his nails to the quick" ( Satires , Book 1).
(The American Heritage? Dictionary of Idioms)

ホラティウスは、ラテン語由来の carpe diem という言葉を吐いた人だとも言われている(→ 今を楽しめ (carpe diem, seize the day))。

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