
a finger in the dyke 「とっさの応急措置」「その場しのぎ」 [辞書に載っていない表現]

先日CNNの記事を読んでいたら、put a finger in the dyke という表現が目にとまった。子供の時に読んだ外国の物語を連想させるもので、話の流れからも意味は想像できたが、手持ちの英和辞書を見てもイディオムとしては載っていなかった。


- Climate change is now in fact global warming. It has happened. Banning straws and plastic bags doesn't even put a finger in the dyke. We are past that. We are consuming the planet beyond its means.
("The world has changed. We are living the new world order" CNN February 16, 2019)

dyke は「堤防」「土手」「防壁」である。連想した物語というのは、堤防に小さな穴が開いて水が流れ出しているのを通りがかった少年が見つけ、自分の指を穴に突っ込んで決壊を防ごうとした。季節は冬で他に通る人はなく、少年は穴に指を入れたまま凍死しているのが翌朝見つかった・・・というものだ。



- put (one's) finger in the dyke
To make a small effort or action to mitigate the damage or spread of something unpleasant, undesirable, or dangerous.
There appears to be a huge cash flow problem. It's not just a matter of putting our fingers in the dyke; we'll need to completely overhaul our monthly expenses to keep us from going bankrupt.
We can't just keep putting our fingers in the dyke every time there's a security breach like this; we need to figure out how hackers keep getting into the system.
(Farlex Dictionary of Idioms)

- put your finger in the dyke attempt to stem the advance of something undesirable which threatens to overwhelm you. informal
This expression stems from the story of a small Dutch boy who saved his community from flooding by placing his finger in a hole in a dyke.
(Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary)


ウェブにあった実例をもうひとつ引用しよう。one-size-fits-all solution というのもおもしろい表現だ。

- Lacking a legitimate, one-size-fits-all solution to the cause and cure for the disease/crime, we build “rehab” centers. It seems to be a “finger-in-the-dyke” measure. The rehab centers currently available on the Boundary have so few beds compared to the need that, even if they are 100 percent effective, tens, if not hundreds, of people go without treatment or reduced treatment until space becomes available.
("The drug problem -- what are we going to do?" Cherokee One Feather June 5, 2017)


ばんそうこうの銘柄「バンドエイド」から転じた band-aid (応急措置)という単語も頭に浮かんだので、ためしに2つの表現をかけ合わせて検索すると、

- The former group wonders why the problem-solvers cannot see that there are larger, deeper, more complex issues behind those they face and that their efforts constitute merely short-term band-aid solutions, or a finger in the dyke.
(Directions in Applied Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Kaplan)

- "We've got a system that's creaking all over the place and trying to put bandaids over holes or a finger in the dyke where things are leaking and just hoping for the best is not going to resolve some of the more systematic issues that we've ended up with."
("One Year On: The cost of accessible healthcare" Radio New Zealand Oct. 29, 2018)

こうした文脈での a finger in the dyke は、指という、本格的・抜本的な手段ではないことに力点を置いたもので、「その場しのぎ」というようなニュアンスでとらえればいいのではないか。オランダの少年が聞いたら悲しい顔になりそうではあるが。

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