"I have sang" ・・・過去分詞の代わりに過去形の使用が増えているらしい [英語のトリビア]
「アメリカ人が過去形で表現するところを、イギリス人はしばしば現在完了で表現する」ということはよく知られているが、そのことではなく、本来 have や get のあとに過去分詞を使うべきところを過去形にする例が見られるようになっているのだそうだ。
John McWhorter というコロンビア大学の言語学者が書いたその記事によると、口語に見られる現象だが、高等教育を受けた人も使うようになっているという。
- ...But in colloquial English, there's a tendency to use the past form as the particle form as well. Someone gets "beat up" rather than "beaten up." If you are cheated, sometimes you get "took" rather than "taken."
Casual English increasingly makes way for the past tense form over the particle.
("Are Participles a Thing of the Past?" The New York Times, August 2, 2022)
- This is the first time I've swam this summer.
- I haven't sang since Covid.
- And that was when she got bit by a tick.
- I wish he could have saw how much people loved him.
- She could have went to college with the rest of us, except actually, she went to Bennington.
最後の例は、McWhorter 先生自身が口にしたものだそうだ。
- How we use English in its Sunday best is one thing, and we should all have our linguistic tuxes at the ready. But in terms of English in a T-shirt and jeans, we should listen to it as unbiased spectators -- of the kind of thing all languages have done forever.
「アメリカ人が過去形で表現するところを、イギリス人はしばしば現在完了で表現する」ということはよく知られているが、そのことではなく、本来 have や get のあとに過去分詞を使うべきところを過去形にする例が見られるようになっているのだそうだ。
John McWhorter というコロンビア大学の言語学者が書いたその記事によると、口語に見られる現象だが、高等教育を受けた人も使うようになっているという。
- ...But in colloquial English, there's a tendency to use the past form as the particle form as well. Someone gets "beat up" rather than "beaten up." If you are cheated, sometimes you get "took" rather than "taken."
Casual English increasingly makes way for the past tense form over the particle.
("Are Participles a Thing of the Past?" The New York Times, August 2, 2022)
- This is the first time I've swam this summer.
- I haven't sang since Covid.
- And that was when she got bit by a tick.
- I wish he could have saw how much people loved him.
- She could have went to college with the rest of us, except actually, she went to Bennington.
最後の例は、McWhorter 先生自身が口にしたものだそうだ。
- How we use English in its Sunday best is one thing, and we should all have our linguistic tuxes at the ready. But in terms of English in a T-shirt and jeans, we should listen to it as unbiased spectators -- of the kind of thing all languages have done forever.
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