"have been there." "Been there, done that." 「わかったわかった!」 [単語・表現]
先日、 「世間では」あるいは「型破りの」という意味を持つ out there を取り上げたが、ここから "I've been there." あるいは "Been there, done that" という言い回しを連想したので、少し触れておきたい。
- have been there (before)
"Those questions are quite annoying." "I know it. I've been there."
- been there, done that
- (have) been there (before)=been there done that
- been there
I know from experience what you are talking about. : I've been there. You don't need to spell it out for me.
(Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions)
- (I've) been there(, done that).
Inf. I know exactly what you are talking about from my own experience.; I know exactly what you are going through.
John: Wow! Those sales meetings really wear me out! Jane: I know what you mean. I've been there. Sue: These employment interviews are very tiring. Bob: I know it! I've been there.
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)
- been there, done that
(informal) used to express past experience of or overfamiliarity with something, esp. something now regarded as boring or unwelcome.
(The New Oxford American Dictionary)
- been there, done that
1. An expression used to say that one has been in the situation or experienced that which another is talking about. It is usually a negative scenario that is being discussed.
2. that is nothing new to me, tell me something else
3. A way to say "it's not interesting to me, let's just skip this topic" or "I already know this".
(Urban Dictionary)
この表現の詳しい説明が、The Phrase Finder というサイトにあった。
それによると、まず1970年代に been there ができたあと、done that が付け加えられた。その後、got the T-shirt をくっつけて "Been there, done that and got the T-shirt." という言い回しもできているという。
- been there, done that
(informal) used to show that you think a place or an activity is not very interesting or impressive because you have already experienced it:
Not camping again! Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. (Oxford Idioms Dictionary for learners of English)
さらに別の言葉をつけて、もっと長くする動きもあるということも The Phrase Finder に書かれている。「あきあきした」度合いをさらに強めようというのであろうか。
・自分からは使えない表現 out there
・out there 「いっちゃってる」「ぶっとんだ」
- have been there (before)
"Those questions are quite annoying." "I know it. I've been there."
- been there, done that
- (have) been there (before)=been there done that
- been there
I know from experience what you are talking about. : I've been there. You don't need to spell it out for me.
(Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions)
- (I've) been there(, done that).
Inf. I know exactly what you are talking about from my own experience.; I know exactly what you are going through.
John: Wow! Those sales meetings really wear me out! Jane: I know what you mean. I've been there. Sue: These employment interviews are very tiring. Bob: I know it! I've been there.
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)
- been there, done that
(informal) used to express past experience of or overfamiliarity with something, esp. something now regarded as boring or unwelcome.
(The New Oxford American Dictionary)
- been there, done that
1. An expression used to say that one has been in the situation or experienced that which another is talking about. It is usually a negative scenario that is being discussed.
2. that is nothing new to me, tell me something else
3. A way to say "it's not interesting to me, let's just skip this topic" or "I already know this".
(Urban Dictionary)
この表現の詳しい説明が、The Phrase Finder というサイトにあった。
それによると、まず1970年代に been there ができたあと、done that が付け加えられた。その後、got the T-shirt をくっつけて "Been there, done that and got the T-shirt." という言い回しもできているという。
- been there, done that
(informal) used to show that you think a place or an activity is not very interesting or impressive because you have already experienced it:
Not camping again! Been there, done that, and got the T-shirt. (Oxford Idioms Dictionary for learners of English)
さらに別の言葉をつけて、もっと長くする動きもあるということも The Phrase Finder に書かれている。「あきあきした」度合いをさらに強めようというのであろうか。
・自分からは使えない表現 out there
・out there 「いっちゃってる」「ぶっとんだ」
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