
siphon off 「吸い上げる」「しぼり取る」「かすめ取る」 [単語・表現]

前回取り上げた capillary の類語に capillarity 「毛(細)管現象」があり、ここから連想したのが siphon (off) である。「(サイフォンで)吸い取る、移す、空にする」、さらに「しぼり取る」「流用する」「かすめ取る」といった意味がある。



- The gas fields where China has been test drilling - known as the Chunxiao field - lie in waters which both sides agree belong to China. But they are very close to Japan's claimed EEZ, and Japan is now worried that China is preparing to siphon off gas buried under the seabed on the Japanese side.

- Chunxiao lies just to the Chinese side of what Japan claims as the line, halfway between the two countries, dividing their exclusive economic zones in the East China Sea. Japan's fear is that gas extraction in Chunxiao could siphon off gas from Japan's side of the field.

- China has been producing natural gas since 2006 from the Chunxiao gas field, located near a median line between the two nations that Japan has proposed (but China has rejected) as a maritime boundary. Japan suspects China is siphoning gas from Japan's side of the median. Those fears are fanned by China's refusal to share its seismic data.


- to convey, draw, or pass through or as if through a siphon (sometimes followed by off): to siphon water; to siphon off profits into a secret bank account.
( Unabridged based on the Random House Dictionary)

- siphon off something
to gradually steal money or goods, usually from a business or government: Over the years, she siphoned off hundreds of thousands of dollars from various accounts.
(Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary)

- siphon something off (from something)
1. Lit. to suck or draw a liquid off from something.
Harry siphoned the cream off the milk. He siphoned off the cream.
2. Fig. to embezzle or steal something a little at a time.
The teller had been siphoning money off for years. she siphoned off a few dollars from the collection every week or so.
(McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs)

実例をさらにいくつかネットや自分の学習メモから書き写してみよう。 のサイトに載っている用例を見ると、資源や金だけでなく、選挙の票にも使われることがわかる。

- Worse, state employees now feel emboldened to siphon off resources even without sustaining social stability.

- It didn't react to the fact that an awful lot of money has been siphoned off.
(Jim Mann: Rise of the Vulcans)

- He is accused of siphoning off millions of dollars into personal accounts, which he reportedly used to maintain 18 mistresses.
(, Time Feb 12, 2013)

- But he has proved adept at compromising with Democratic leaders, and so siphoning off critical votes.
(, New York Times Jan 4, 2013)


・distill 「にじみ出る」「(良い物を)抜き出す」「まとめる」
・instill 「(考えを・人に)徐々に吹き込む・植えつける」
・trickle down 「したたり落ちる」、trickle-down theory 「トリクルダウン理論」
・(by) osmosis 「じわじわと広がって」「いつの間にか身について」
・capillary 「毛細血管」

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