
beat 「受け持ち範囲」「~担当」「~番」 [単語・表現]

先日 legman (現地で情報を集める協力者)を取り上げた際に出てきた関連語 district man から、名詞の beat を連想した。「バンキシャ」の「~番」にあたる言葉で、取材記者や警察官などの「担当地域」「担当分野」を表す。

警察官と取材記者とで項目を分けている英和辞典もあり、まとめて記述したほうがいいのではないかと思った。ただ、警察官については on (off) the beat で「巡回中(非番)」の意味になるし、マスコミでは「スクープ」の意味で obtain a beat などと表現することもあるので、分けた方がいいという判断があったのかもしれない。


- Reporters often are assigned a specific area, or topic, to cover, called a beat. Some beats are broad, such as the “high tech” beat; others are narrow, such as the “wireless” or “ electronics” beat.

- News organizations traditionally have some kind of beat system to insure the important subjects are covered. Beats can be organized geographically, by topic, or a combination of the two. Some reporters cover a single beat; others are responsible for several, such as “health and science,” or “police, fire and courts.”

Online Etymology Dictionary の以下の説明を見ると、地面を beat するということから、「よく通る道」ということで、「担当地域、分野」の意味が生まれたらしい。

- Meaning "regular route travelled by someone" is attested from 1731, also "a track made by animals" (1736), from the sense of the "beat" of the feet on the ground (late Old English), or perhaps that in beat the bushes to flush game (c.1400), or beat the bounds (1560s). Extended to journalism by 1875.

ここから連想した表現に the beaten track (path) がある。「みんなが通って踏み固まった道」ということだろうか、「普通のやり方」ということである。

off the beaten track (path) とすると、「通りから離れた」ということで、「あまり知られていない場所にある、隠れ家的な」「一風変わった、新奇な」「よく知らない分野の」ということになる。

- a place that's not very well known to the general public, usually located in a secluded area.
I like hanging out at this pub once in a while after work. It's off the beaten path and I get a chance to relax for a while.
(Urban Dictionary)

- not known or popular with many people
Her tastes in reading tend to be off the beaten track.
(Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms)

ついでだが beat の関連では、以前 skip a beat という表現を取り上げたことがある。

最後に、英語の辞書にあった beat の説明や例文を引用しよう。

- one's regular professional territory or subject matter.
a policeman's beat
a reporter's beat
similar words: area, assignment, circuit, precinct, rounds, route, territory, zone
(The Wordsmyth English Dictionary-Thesaurus)

- The area regularly covered by a reporter, a police officer, or a sentry:
television's culture beat.
(American Heritage Dictionary)

- [usually singular] an area that a police officer has responsibility for and must walk around regularly
walk/pound/patrol the beat:
The two officers used to walk the beat together.
(Macmillan Dictionary)

- Journalism
a. the reporting of a piece of news in advance, esp. before it is reported by a rival or rivals. Cf. exclusive, scoop.
b. Also called newsbeat, run. the particular news source or activity that a reporter is responsible for covering.
(Infoplease Dictionary)

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