
turf 「なわばり」、turf war 「なわばり争い」 [単語・表現]

前回取り上げた beat 「受け持ち地域、担当分野」から、turf を連想したので短くメモしておきたい。「芝生」転じて、「得意分野、守備範囲」とか「勢力範囲、地盤」を意味し、「縄張り」あるいは「シマ」と訳せる場合もあるだろう。

- slang ( US ) the territory or area of activity over which a person or group claims exclusive rights
an area of knowledge or influence:
he's on home turf when it comes to music
(Collins English Dictionary)

- Slang.
a. the neighborhood over which a street gang asserts its authority.
b. a familiar area, as of residence or expertise:
Denver is her turf. When you talk literature you're getting into my turf.
(Random House Unabridged Dictionary)

上記の「コリンズ」にある on home turf については、on one's own turf と言い換えてもいい、という記述が辞書にある。「ホームグラウンド」という感じか。



- The senator charged that Woolsey had just illustrated why the FBI and CIA could not get along; each was more concerned about protecting its own bureaucratic turf than in doing the right thing for the country.

- What's surprising is that the dot-com upstarts aren't, in fact, offering the most lavish pay packets. That's coming from the old, well-established corporate giants who are determined to defend their turf while they build an even better future.

dispute over turf とすると「縄張り争い」ということになるが、turf war (battle) といった方が簡単だ。

- The Russian mafia are currently fighting a turf war with Mexican gangs.

- The turf wars sometimes seem a textbook case of "ingroup and outgroup" psychology. Psychologists have found that people in an ingroup tend to see the outgroup in terms of simplistic stereotypes.

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