
pocket dial, butt dial ~何かのはずみで誤発信 [辞書に載っていない表現]

前回は flight shame という「辞書に載っていない単語」を取り上げたが(→ こちら)、今回は pocket dial または butt dial という言葉について書いてみよう。


butt は「お尻」のことだが、ズボンの後ろのポケットにスマホを突っ込んでいると偶然ボタンが押されて誤発信も起きやすい、ということだろう。

うっかりダイヤルしても、相手に聞こえるのがただの暗騒音なら別に問題ないのだが、トランプ大統領にからんで最近起きた butt dialing 騒ぎは、それではすまなかった。


- Rudy Giuliani, personal lawyer to US President Donald Trump, has left two unintended voicemail messages on a reporter's phone, NBC News reports.
In the calls, Mr Giuliani reportedly spoke about needing money and attacked Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
NBC investigative reporter Rich Shapiro says he received two voicemails from Mr Giuliani in the space of a month.
He described them as the result of "what is known, in casual parlance, as a butt dial".
A "butt dial" happens when someone unknowingly calls one of their contacts by accidentally applying pressure to their phone's buttons while it is in their pocket.
("Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani 'butt dials' NBC reporter" BBC October 26, 2019)

("Rudy Giuliani butt-dials NBC reporter, heard discussing need for cash and trashing Bidens" NBC Oct. 26, 2019)

この言葉を収録している辞書はまだまだ少ないようだ。オンラインの Oxford Dictionaries は pocket dial の見出し語で載せていた。

- informal Inadvertently call (someone) on a mobile phone in one's pocket, as a result of pressure being accidentally applied to a button or buttons on the phone.
His smartphone pocket-dials his significant other who hears everything.
The only time I've ever pocket-dialed was when I didn't lock it first and my hand probably touched the screen as I was placing it in my pocket.

Wikipedia は pocket dialing の形で項目を立てている。少し長くなるが、冒頭部分を引用しよう。

- Pocket dialing (also known as pocket calling or butt dialing) refers to the accidental placement of a phone call while a person's mobile phone or cordless phone is in the owner's pocket or handbag. The recipient of the call typically hears random background noise when answering the phone. If the caller remains unaware, the recipient will sometimes overhear whatever is happening in the caller's vicinity. A pocket-dialed call can continue for many minutes, or until the recipient's voice mail system ends the call.

私も、自分のスマホに着信があり、知っている人の名前が表示されたので出てみると、聞こえてくるのは相手の声ではなく何かの暗騒音、という経験をしたことが何度かある。不用意だなあ、と思ったが、かくいう自分自身が butt dialing をしていてもまず気づかないのがコワイところである。

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