screech 「キーッという不快な音」 [単語・表現]
前回の cacophony 「不協和音」からの連想で、screech について短く書いておきたい。音からしていかにもそれらしいが、「キーッという鋭い音(を立てる)」という意味だ。
たとえば車の急ブレーキでタイヤがきしむ音がこれだが、誰でも例外なくゾッとする不快な音といえば、黒板に爪を立てるなどした場合だろう。これを screech を使って表現した例がある。
- Maybe it's the screech of fingernails on a chalkboard that sends shivers down your spine. Or it could be the annoying squeak of Styrofoam pieces rubbing together.
("What makes your skin crawl?" NBC News, Sept. 22, 2006)
- I would describe the sound nails make running against a chalkboard as a "chill-sending screech" because, as we all know, the sound sends chills down your back.
("What is the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard called?" English Language & Usage)
- to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise:
She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.
He was screeching with pain/laughter.
"Don't you dare touch me!" she screeched.
The car screeched to a halt/standstill (= stopped very suddenly, making a loud high noise).
figurative The economic recovery is likely to screech to a halt/standstill (= stop very suddenly) if taxes are increased.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
- a long, loud, high noise that is unpleasant to hear:
He let out a loud screech.
The truck stopped with a screech of brakes.
scr- で始まる言葉としては、scream がやはり「かん高い音を出す」ということだが、このほか scratch, scrape, scramble, scrabble, scrub など「引っかく」「引っかき回す」という感じで、うまく言えないが何となく似た点があるように思う。
たとえば車の急ブレーキでタイヤがきしむ音がこれだが、誰でも例外なくゾッとする不快な音といえば、黒板に爪を立てるなどした場合だろう。これを screech を使って表現した例がある。
- Maybe it's the screech of fingernails on a chalkboard that sends shivers down your spine. Or it could be the annoying squeak of Styrofoam pieces rubbing together.
("What makes your skin crawl?" NBC News, Sept. 22, 2006)
- I would describe the sound nails make running against a chalkboard as a "chill-sending screech" because, as we all know, the sound sends chills down your back.
("What is the sound of nails scratching a chalkboard called?" English Language & Usage)
- to make an unpleasant, loud, high noise:
She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.
He was screeching with pain/laughter.
"Don't you dare touch me!" she screeched.
The car screeched to a halt/standstill (= stopped very suddenly, making a loud high noise).
figurative The economic recovery is likely to screech to a halt/standstill (= stop very suddenly) if taxes are increased.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
- a long, loud, high noise that is unpleasant to hear:
He let out a loud screech.
The truck stopped with a screech of brakes.
scr- で始まる言葉としては、scream がやはり「かん高い音を出す」ということだが、このほか scratch, scrape, scramble, scrabble, scrub など「引っかく」「引っかき回す」という感じで、うまく言えないが何となく似た点があるように思う。
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