
platform 「意見を発表する機会」 [単語・表現]

前回取り上げた bully pulpit に出てくる pulpit 「演壇」をなじみのある単語で言いかえれば platform になるだろう。この単語も前回の表現に似て、比喩的に「発言の機会」「意見表明の機会」という意味で使うことができるので、短く触れておきたい。


- But one of the places that's been most successful at protecting its people from the disease will not be invited to this meeting of the decision-making body of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Taiwan has been applauded internationally for quickly and effectively stemming the spread of the virus, and says it should have a platform to share its experiences with the world. But China - which says Taiwan is part of its territory - has blocked Taiwan's attendance since 2016.
("Coronavirus: Why Taiwan won't have a seat at the virus talks" BBC, May 17, 2020)

platform にはいろいろな意味がある。日本語になっている「(駅の)プラットフォーム」、また「演壇」「高台」あるいは政治家の「公約」や「綱領」、最近ではインターネットやSNSの「サービス(を提供する業者)」についても使われる。platform shoes は「厚底靴」だ。


- If someone has a platform, they have an opportunity to tell people what they think or want.
The demonstration provided a platform for a broad cross-section of speakers.
(Collins English Dictionary)

- an opportunity to make your ideas or beliefs known publicly:
By refusing to give us a grant to make this programme, they are denying us a platform.
(Cambridge English Dictionary)

- a means or opportunity to communicate ideas or information to a group of people
The event provides a platform for Latino artists, writers and creators in the comic book industry.

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