
lightbulb moment 「ひらめいた!」 [音楽と英語]


Don't Stop Believin'

Don't Stop Believin'

  • 作者: Newton-John, Olivia
  • 出版社/メーカー: Gallery Books
  • 発売日: 2021/01/26
  • メディア: ペーパーバック


この本では、何か所かに lightbulb moment という表現が出てきたので、取り上げてみよう。次はそのうちのひとつである。

- Time is a wonderful healer, but grief is like an ocean. I found it comes in waves and there are times when you are lost at sea. John was amazing during this time, and music also helped me to get through it. I even wrote a song for Rona and asked Amy Sky to produce it.
After it was finished, Amy and I discussed the fact that there wasn’t any music made specifically for people who are grieving – which is pretty much anyone at different points of life. It was one of those lightbulb moments. Maybe there was a real need for this type of music.
(Don't Stop Believin' by Olivia Newton-John)


- informal
a moment of sudden inspiration, revelation, or recognition
The lightbulb moment came when the pair decided to turn the business into a training scheme.
I had a real lightbulb moment that it was time to set up my own business.
Word origin
C20: from the cartoon image of a light bulb lighting up above a character's head when he or she has an idea
(Collins English Dictionary)

- a moment of sudden realization, enlightenment, or inspiration.
Originally alluding to the representation of an illuminated light bulb above a character's head in a cartoon or comic strip, indicating that the character has had an idea.
It did strike me one day, like the light-bulb moment in a comic strip, that my magic act was the route to the top.
(Oxford English Dictionary)


亡くなる瞬間まで、本のタイトル通り、Don't stop believin' という気持ちを失わなかったことだろう。そう考えながら、同じタイトルを持つ彼女のアルバムを久しぶりに聴いている。

Don't Stop Believin

Don't Stop Believin

  • アーティスト: Newton-John, Olivia
  • 出版社/メーカー: Mushroom Records
  • 発売日: 1998/11/24
  • メディア: CD

オリビア・ニュートン・ジョン自伝 信じることをやめないで

オリビア・ニュートン・ジョン自伝 信じることをやめないで

  • 出版社/メーカー: シンコーミュージック
  • 発売日: 2022/05/18
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)

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