
sportswashing 「スポーツを利用して国内問題を覆い隠す」 [ニュースと英語]

サッカーのワールドカップは熱戦が続き、日本チームを応援しているが、スポーツにちなんで sportswashing という単語を紹介しよう。「ごまかし」や「糊塗」「粉飾」を意味する whitewashing から作られたものだろうとあたりがつく。


今回のW杯では、カタールが国内の人権問題について欧米などから判の声が上がっている。これに whitewashing を使ったのが下記BBCの記事の一節だ。sportswash という動詞としても使われている。

- Qatar has been accused of sportswashing - the act of using sport to improve reputation and project a positive image of a country - but World Cup organisers have promised openness and inclusivity.

Referring to Russia's invasion of Crimea before the last World Cup in 2018, former England captain Lineker added: "I felt we were sportswashed in Russia. I don't think the world stood up about what had happened in Crimea and I include ourselves in that.
("World Cup 2022: Gary Lineker in Qatar to 'report, not support' controversial tournament"
BBC, November 18, 2022)


- The use of sports to present a sanitized, friendlier version of a political regime or operation.
Qatar engaged in sportswashing by hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup to hide it's numerous human rights violations.
(Urban Dictionary)

- The use of sporting events to improve a polity's reputation, especially to distract from human rights abuses.
From the 2016 European Formula 1 Grand Prix, matches at football's 2020 European Championship, and now the European Games, Azerbaijan is practicing sportswashing – using major sporting events as a way of diverting attention from human rights violations.
I trust the Premier League and British authorities value their own principles and reputation above this transparent attempt at sports-washing

由来についてはオンラインの WordSense Dictionary に

- Origin & history
Blend of sports and whitewashing

とあったので、やはり whitewashing を利用したものといえそうだ。


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