opposite number 「カウンターパート」 [単語・表現]
前回取り上げた「相当する人・もの」を意味する answer は、counterpart と言い換えられる場合もあると思うが、そこからの連想で one's opposite number という表現に触れておこう。「対応するもの」「対等の立場にある人」ということだ。
- During the first term of the Obama administration, when Mr Xi was heir-apparent to the leadership of China with the formal rank of vice-president, Mr Biden, as his opposite number, was tasked with taking his measure.
("Elites in Beijing see America in decline, hastened by Trump" The Economist, June 11 2020)
- Top US national security officials have spoken with their Ukrainian counterparts, and America’s top general held a call Wednesday with his Russian opposite number amid concern over Russian military activity in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, including what the US deemed a violation of a ceasefire by Moscow that led to the deaths of four Ukrainian soldiers last week.
("Top US national security officials call counterparts as Russia and Ukraine tensions rise" CNN, March 31 2021)
- Your opposite number is a person who has the same job or rank as you, but works in a different department, firm, or organization.
The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number.
Club officials plan to open talks with their Anfield opposite numbers in the coming weeks.
Synonyms: equivalent, equal, peer, counterpart
(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
- someone who has a similar job to yours in another organization or department
They liaised with their opposite numbers in the foreign subsidiaries for the production of publicity.
(Longman Business Dictionary)
この意味で私の頭に浮かぶ単語といえば counterpart になってしまうが、次に機会があった時は、がんばって opposite number を思い出して使ってみようか。
- During the first term of the Obama administration, when Mr Xi was heir-apparent to the leadership of China with the formal rank of vice-president, Mr Biden, as his opposite number, was tasked with taking his measure.
("Elites in Beijing see America in decline, hastened by Trump" The Economist, June 11 2020)
- Top US national security officials have spoken with their Ukrainian counterparts, and America’s top general held a call Wednesday with his Russian opposite number amid concern over Russian military activity in Crimea and eastern Ukraine, including what the US deemed a violation of a ceasefire by Moscow that led to the deaths of four Ukrainian soldiers last week.
("Top US national security officials call counterparts as Russia and Ukraine tensions rise" CNN, March 31 2021)
- Your opposite number is a person who has the same job or rank as you, but works in a different department, firm, or organization.
The French Defence Minister is to visit Japan later this month for talks with his Japanese opposite number.
Club officials plan to open talks with their Anfield opposite numbers in the coming weeks.
Synonyms: equivalent, equal, peer, counterpart
(Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary)
- someone who has a similar job to yours in another organization or department
They liaised with their opposite numbers in the foreign subsidiaries for the production of publicity.
(Longman Business Dictionary)
この意味で私の頭に浮かぶ単語といえば counterpart になってしまうが、次に機会があった時は、がんばって opposite number を思い出して使ってみようか。
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